Saturday, July 1, 2023

Chapter 4.7 - June 2023: Cycle of stones.

It's a lovely June morning by the lake as the last of the migratory birds have returned to the mountains for the summer..

..and Inge and Oliver Freddy are looking sweet in their sleep. ;)

Inge wakes up first to check her report card, and it's no secret she did well, even in the course about the theory of song, which was, luckily just theory and not practice. Hooray! Just not so loud, your boyfriend is still sleeping! ;)

Then it's time for breakfast where she sits down next to Jonathan Dirk.
    He didn't need to read a fortune cookie to know that this was going to be a special day for him.. (but in the days waiting for his exam results he had frantically done so anyway, and secretly browsing the web for any horoscope he could find! ;) )
He felt a lot more relaxed now that he could happily tell Inge that he had passed his last course for his degree in sports, and that he would finally get his robe and diploma at this semester graduation ceremony!

Ayana had received the same positive news as Jonathan this morning, that she too had passed her final exam, and would later be awarded her diploma for her degree in communication. No more studying, and soon it will be time to find a job.. but first she thought she could finally get to clean up this place a little. ;)

Inge would then seize the opportunity while her boyrfriend was still sleeping to finish the painting she started just before christmas last year. It was a pretty big painting, so it took a long time to complete..

When Oliver Freddy woke up to check his exam results he was equally as nervous as his girlfriend, but he wouldn't need to worry to much. No doubt would his mom (and probably his aunt too) be very proud of these results. :P

Their report card.
Report card dictionary.
Simnavn = Sim name.
Karakter for semester = Semester grade.
Studiepoeng = Credits (Literal: Study points).
Totalkarakter = Total grade.
Kunst = Art.
Medisin = Medicine. (... surprised? :P)
Kommunikasjon = Communication.
Teknologi = Technology.
Økonomi = Finance.
Idrett = Sports.
Skip Taylor didn't do very well. I don't know what he has been up to, but he can't have been studying much.. maybe if he got rid of those sun glasses he is always wearing he would be able to actually read something. ;)

Inge reached level 8 of the painting skill and just manage to finish her painting, which she named simply "Sunset in December", and hang it up on the wall before the graduation ceremony started. She wasn't perfectly happy about it though, thinking it looked pretty average. Next time, she thought, maybe she should use more oil paint and less water color. She thought it looked a little to much like something she could have painted when she was still in elementary school, but then again, one is always ones own worst critic.. I think it's fine. A little pink, but fine. ;)

This is a big day for Ayana and Jonathan. Don't be nervous, it's just a graduation ceremony.. it will be just fine. ;)

Professor Madeleine Noetal is always happy to watch students graduating. :P

Entering their graduation ceremony. So cute. ;) Jonathan really does look a little nervous here... "I hope I won't trip and fall when I walk up to receive it, I hope I won't trip and fall, I hope I won't..."
Relax man! I'm sure it'll be alright! You're graduating! This is a day of joy and celebration! ;)

Of course, Inge and Oliver Freddy joined them as well to watch their graduation ceremony. ;)

There were many graduates and the ceremony took quite a while to finish, so while it was going on I made an attempt to zoom in and capture what went on outside, but unfortunately then the skies came tumbling down and the mainframe of the Matrix crashed to it's desktop and whatever happened out there was forever erased from the mysterious aether before it could even begin to be etched into the stones of history.....

Fortunately, though, a back up system was in place and Ayana and Jonathan still got their diplomas, with Jonathan claiming afterwards to have had one of those strange déjà vu moments that he sometimes has.. Well, I don't know... I have no idea what he is talking about there...

Ayana is so cute, she even kisses her diploma. ;)

Oliver Freddy and Inge both took their turns to congratule the newly graduates afterwards, and have a bit of talk with them.

It was such a happy day and the sun was shining. ;) Inge knew that they would leave for home soon, and she wanted to make the most out of the time left before summer, so she called up Samantha to finally go on the fishing trip she had sort of promised her earlier..

In the background romance may befinding Ayana, as she was approached by Matthew Tellmer who began to flirt with her. A sign of what is to come, or maybe not. I suppose anything could happen, so who knows what the future will bring to Ayana and Jonathan from now on... ;)

Inge had no time to think about that, she had to run off to meet Samantha to go fishing. Though Inges mom Iselin is an avid sports fisher, Inge is pretty clueless... She had no idea which spot to pick, so she chose the Landeberg Park, the most remote place around she could think of. There would have to be some fish there, right? Oliver Freddy went along to in his own car, and he drove a little faster so he's already running ahead (He is there somewhere in the distance if you can spot him.. :P)

Samantha didn't need to be asked twice to meet up. Spending the afternoon outside fishing in this beautiful weather was a perfect thing to do. ;)

While the girls were meeting up and talking, Oliver Freddy had gone around to find them something that could be used for bait. The apple tree that grew there was glaringly obvious, but he was afraid it wouldn't be enough, so after a bit of searching through various brambles and bushes he managed to find a small cinnamon plant. It sounds a little experimental to use cinnamon as bait for fish, but who knows, it might work. :P

Then it was time for fishing. Inge and Oliver Freddy picked their spots a little apart to not fish on top of each other, but Samantha had another idea. :P

"I'll fish right over here" she says, and I'm worried she's gonna whack Inge over the head with the fishing rod, or worse. :P
"Just stand still while I make my throw. This looks like a really good spot, and I'm not gonna let you have it all to yourself!"

"Et voilá!" she says confidently after making her throw. I'm not really sure how she did that, but she sure makes it look easy. ;)

It's Oliver Freddy however that catches the first umm.. fish. A freshwater jelly fish.. it's probably best used to do experiments on. I don't think it's something you would take to the frying pan, possibly, maybe. :P

It doesn't take long for Samantha to catch a blowfish, which is a more valuable type of fish than the jelly fish, which places Samantha in the lead in case one should view this as a competition. Inge might need to dry off her clothes when they are done fishing, because Samantha pulled the fish up dangerously close to Inges.. feet. :P

Inge thinks it's enough with the fishing when Samantha catches her second blowfish in excactly the same way and decides to call it quits. "Alright.. you win..."

The sun is about to set, and so it won't be long until Inge and Oliver Freddys transport will arrive to take them back home. Inge wants to use this last moment to bond a little more, talk about the semester that passed, and of course, the first time she noticed Oliver Freddy on the school bus back home in Sunset Valley. ;)

Oliver Freddy has something else on his mind, and does his best to ruin this otherwishe beautiful moment with a a rant about politicians and their spending of the tax payers money..

Then it's time to say the final goodbye before summer and the girls exchange their last warm hug before Oliver Freddy and Inge has to return to their dorm where the car is waiting...

"You take care, Samantha. I'll see you again in august..."

Samantha howled her last goodbye at them as she watched them run to their cars. It quickly gets cold in the mountains after the sun has set, even in summer...

"I'll be thinking about you..."

Back at the dorm Inge was happy thinking about returning to her own family soon. Happy about the new memories and friends she had made this semester, and happy about the thought of returning for the next one! Of course, she would be missing Samantha too, especially, so there were definately mixed feelings about leaving, but it still had to be done.. and a summer doesn't last forever anyway. ;)

Oliver Freddy was already in the car waiting, and the driver pressed the horn.. He wasn't going to drive all night and wanted to get there before it got to late.. Time to go now... Time to hit the road and say goodbye..

Goodbye student dorm and smelly food leftovers. Goodbye Jeffery, goodbye Debbie and goodbye Nicole. Goodbye Ayana, goodbye Jonathan and best of luck for your future!

Goodbye Samantha, goodbye University, goodbye lake, goodbye mountains and stones...


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A couple of screenshots that didn't make it.

Paper meets rock...

Driving in the moonlight..

Previous | Next (Sunset Valley)

Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...