Friday, June 30, 2023

Chapter 4.6 - May 2023: Wildfire, part II..

My name was grown from stones. The grey stones of the mountains.

It's exam day for all the students in town, and fire is the first thing on Oliver Freddys mind as he wakes up this morning... He has been a good student, and is pretty confident his exam will go well. He is still young, so maybe tonight he will set something on fire. Not the entire world, perhaps, but something a little more localized.. no, not the kitchen either... a bonfire in the backyard should do. ;)

He was the first one of everyone on the dorm to wake up, so he got to eat his breakfast in peace.. until Cody showed up. I'm trying to tell a story here, but even I don't know everything that happens behind the scenes.. It became one of the themes of this day, that whenever Cody was nearby, everyone showed disapproval of him, but I don't know what he has done to get this reaction from people...

Inge didn't mind him though. She thought it was nice to have a moment of togetherness eating breakfast, before she had to run off to her exam. At the end of her second year at university, the people she shares a dorm had in a way become her family away from family...

If the weather held up, maybe she could go fishing with Samantha later. She still thought about her since their meeting last month, and hoped she was doing alright. She had a feeling Samantha wasn't telling her everything. Well, it wasn't just a feeling. It was pretty obvious there was something Samantha hadn't told her. She was hoping to earn her trust and that she would eventually open up about whatever it was...

Oliver Freddys exam wasn't until after lunch, so he had plenty of time to relax and actually go fishing.. He hadn't fished around here before, so he didn't know where the best fishing spot was, but as Senior Lake was the biggest lake he knew (apart from the lake that gave the place it's name...), he thought it should be a good spot with plenty of fish.

He managed to catch a couple of ray-finned-fish before he ran out of bait and decided to call it quits. He wasn't happy about either catch and it looked like he considered throwing them out again as he held them up to gauge their weight and quality. They were only average quality fish, and of course he was hoping for something better. Not because he wanted to cook them, but because he wanted to gather the best possible scientific data. One day he would show those professors that always rejected his findings.. one day... He still kept the fish though, maybe something good could come out of them, and if not, atleast he would gain experience before the big find...

With plenty more time to kill he went over to the Coffee Shop (passing by a house known as "The Grey Junior house" on the way) 'to relax a little more reading a book about a day in the life of a plantsim...

Plantsims? The book was written as if plantsims was something that existed, and the foreword even suggested that with a high enough skill in science or by planting a certain special seed one could possibly even grow or create a plantsim.. Oliver Freddy dismissed the idea as fictional. It sounded like something his aunt Monica would come up with in one of her ramblings... It wasn't even pseudoscience, but he found it an entertaining read nonetheless. There's plenty of people around, sure, but they're not growing on trees...

In the foreground is Vuolle Onébegajávrre (Karoliinás father) talking to Ashley Corono about the legend of the three wildfires that is said to one day consume and end the town.. The legend is one that has been passed down through generations. It's origin is unclear, but archeologists and historians has so far concluded that it might stem from a forest fire that almost decimated the entire town somewhere between 800 and 900 CE.

Vuolle is then backed up by his wife Márjánna sharing the same legend, but Ashley (who is not a local) dismisses the entire thing as nonsense and doesn't want to hear more about it..

Flowers are much more effective than old legends steeped in dubious lore... I can only assume he's not to serious about this, given that his wife is also present...

Over by the art institute, Inge just passed her exam with flying colours. Hooray. ;) Inge is on her way over the entrance on the other side of the building to meet up with Samantha (who also passed her exam). It was clear to everyone that took part in the exam this morning that there was something different about Samantha today. It wasn't excactly what Inge had expected... Maybe Oliver Freddy was on to something when he would say that he could hear wolves howling whenever there was a full moon... Could it really be that Samantha was a.... ? How was that even possible? This was a level of being different that Inge hadn't seen before....
    Samantha was already seated by a desk in the back of the room when Inge entered. Inge tried to get eye contact, but Samantha was seemingly busy carefully laying out her pencils on the desk while waiting for the cue to open the exam papers...

Samanthas new appearance didn't make Inge any less curious and she still wanted to become better friends with her. Well, that and after they had connected so well just the other day, she couldn't just begin to ignore her.. Inge knew very well what it meant to be ignored, so she couldn't do that to anyone almost no matter how different they were.. So there was only one thing to do, to brave it and approach Samantha...

As it was raining pretty heavily by the time their exam ended, Inge thought it best to invite her home to do Inges favore thing, to watch tv sitting on the couch, instead of going fishing. That was atleast one of the reasons Inge told herself to justify not going fishing alone with Samantha..

While Inge and Samantha is fast on their way to the De Anda Hall, its time for Oliver Freddy to put away the book about plantsims and head for his exam in the science building just across the road.. and maybe on the way he will get an answer to the question of whether it is most fruitful to run or walk through the rain.. what keeps you most dry? :P

Samantha would no doubt win that competion. Not only is she using an umbrella, she is also a much faster runner.. Inge has to struggle to keep up. Such power! Inge is impressed, but also a little intimidated by her new friend.

When they arrive at the dorm Samantha announces that she is hungry like a .. well, you know. Inge doesn't want to upset Samantha, so she immediately goes to prepare the best lunch meal she can make, a fine omelette with mushrooms..

All those hours spent watching the cooking channel on tv has paid off. Samantha really enjoys the meal in umm... her own way, and Inge gets her wish and Samantha accepts her as one of her best and most trusted friends.
I'll admit I'm not entirely comfortable with how Samanthas eating is portrayed here. If I were just writing without using screenshots, I wouldn't have described it as this animalistic, but then again, if this wasn't based on the sims universe I probably wouldn't even have werewolves in the first place...

After they are now both well fed, they can do what Inge wants to do. Watch tv and talk about homes and family...

While they are watching tv, Oliver Freddy returns home from his exam after having passed with flying colours as well (like he knew he would), and now finally is the time for him to arrange a bonfire party.. Rain or shine, though he hopes the rain will let up soon...

He's not going all out with the extravagant coloured lights and decorations like his girlfriend Inge did, but the juice keg is still there, along with a buffet table and the mandatory plastic cups.. now placed on a shelf instead of a table, so that people won't complain about the table being unaccessible when they want to eat because a plastic cup was in the way....

Samantha was of course also invited to the party, since she was already in the building and since she had made such good friends with Inge. After they had finished watching tv she decided to tell a joke at her own expense. She can do that, not sure if anyone else should. :P

Inge appreciates that Samantha is able to laugh at herself for being different, as well as appreciating that Samantha has enough trust in Inge to tell such a joke, and decides to give her a warm and friendly hug.

Guests should be arriving soon, so it's time for Oliver Freddy to light the fire and serve the food, hoping that the fire won't be put out by the rain...

It took a while for the rain to let up, and I think Oliver Freddy must have been worried about his party guests being hungry, because he had decided to order a pizza while everyone was still inside filling the hallway with random university slogan cheers.. :P

Inge had been in the dining room conversing and joking with Samantha when Debbie Richards joined the conversation.

Meanwhile the rain had come to an end, and Oliver Freddy had gotten a pretty decent bonfire going. Now the party could begin as intended.. ;)

Inge had gone outside to check out the bonfire, which left Samantha alone with Debbie. Samantha then wanted to say hi to Debbie in her own way, but Debbie wasn't to appreciative of this and now it was Samanthas turn to be put in her place...

This proved to be a pretty big wedge in the relationship between Samantha and Debbie, and Samantha would take to dislike Debbie for atleast the rest of the evening... Time to head outside and join the others watching the fire...

Now that Inge had become good friends with Samantha, she walked inside to greet Nicole and give her a second chance after she ditched them before the last time they tried to hang out..

Inges talking to Nicole was interrupted by Oliver Freddy finally deciding to serve the pizza and have everyone sit down to eat..

There was an empty seat next to Debbie, but Samantha sure as hell wasn't going to use that one!

Sitting next to Nicole, though she had her quirks, was much better...

Billy Jean Sparks was sitting on a table all alone as she confessed her interest in Jonathan Dirk.. and I don't know where the sandwich came from.. :P I didn't see Billy Jean try to make a move on him, though, nor did she cause a scene.. Maybe she is just a girl who thinks he is the one.... or maybe she just followed some strong advice, and remembered to always think twice... :P

After everyone had eaten it was time to gather around the and enjoy the warmth from the fire outside again. The rest of the party went by relatively peacefully, noone passed out on the lawn, the police didn't arrive to do a lousy job and contrary to what I had expected there wasn't a single streaker in sight... Almost a stark contrast to the party Inge threw earlier, but as long as everyone had a good time, that is what matters the most. ;)

Oliver Freddy wasn't done sciencing, and wanted to perform some tests on Debbie, which included testing her reflexes. Good catch! :P

..and then he went inside to study on the computer! Come on, man.. what are you doing? You're done for the semester, this has no purpose! ;)
"I'm just trying to get a head start for the next semester..."

Right, well, as you wish...

People outside were still enjoying the bonfire, and Inge was thinking about the fishing trip with Samantha.. Now that it didn't rain, however, it was probably a little late for that now..

Even though Inge got out of bed after her boyfriend, she felt like she had been up since early morning, and decided to call it a night...

Oliver Freddy was also getting tired, but now that Inge had gone to bed he thought he could take his turn to bond with Samantha as well.

Or so I thought, because the next thing he does is pretty bold as he asks her for a DNA sample.. It appears that everything he does one way or another revolves around science.. I'm also surprised that Samantha actually lets him do it.. I would have imagined that she wouldn't just let her DNA get sampled like that, like she was some kind of object to be performed research upon...
I suppose Oliver Freddy being Inges boyfriend would automatically give him a few trust points...

Well, congratulations Oliver Freddy.. with this sample, maybe you can learn something about a Grey's anatomy.... He is a medical student after all, and if he can figure out something useful, it might be of benefit to the Greys too...

The party was coming to an end soon, and people were just about to leave when Samantha went inside to give Ruby Parks a last helping hand with juice keg.. and being very vocal about what she thought about Debbie..

That was pretty much the last of it. There were a few that didn't enjoy the party as much, but Ruby, Samantha and Debbie could all agree that atleast they had a good time. ;)

It was now only Jeffrey Dean and Che Justice still wanted to keep the fire going, but as Oliver Freddy has also joined his girlfriend in bed, I think its time this one ends here and we'll see them again tomorrow when they go back to Sunset Valley for summer...

Good night. ;)

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I can take all the blame, for the sake of my name
Our blood on your hands, running hot in the veins
They say: "Do yourself well and stay away from your family" - what!?

Wildfire, part II: One with the mountain – Sonata Arctica

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...