Saturday, April 22, 2023

Chapter 1.1 – Day of arrival and first impression

 This is a continuation of the Sunset Valley timeline, and is going to run parallel with it, starting where Chapter 7 ends.


This is my first time playing with the University Expansion pack, and sending sims to university, so even though I have been to university in real life, I am just as fresh to this experience as are my sims are! So bear with me... I also left them on autonomy as much as I could, to see how they would do it. As always, I don't want to be in charge of the story, I just want to watch it unfold and then tell it as it happens.

As a full degree in the Sims game is only 48 credits and I want them to do a somewhat realistic amount of semesters, I sent them off to only do six credits per semester.

Arriving at university! Sunday, august 15th 2021.


Oliver Freddy's notes:

As the moving van drove us there through the night, we had slept most of the way there. When we arrived, we got a spot at the De Anda House close to the shoreline and the Howard Library. I had applied for a degree in medicine, as that would be most beneficial for my science career, and Inge had luckily got a spot at the art studies.The map says the institute of technology and medicine where I think I will have to spend most of my time is just on the other side of campus from our dorm. I think I will get a bike or car to get around here faster.

Inges notes:

Oh, this is so exciting! This is my first time outside Sunset Valley. I can't wait to start.. to meet all the fellow students, to go to lectures, parties and just experience the university life! We will be sharing our dorm with six other students. I can't wait to get to know them!

Oliver Freddys notes:
Wow, the student dorm is much bigger then I expected. There are three floors, and it even has its own pool table and fitness room. I will have no trouble enjoying it here, I should think. I found myself a nice reading spot on the third floor, away from the noise of my room mates computer games downstairs.


Inges notes:

Even though both of our parents have promised to pay tuition fees, I was a little worried about finances. I had a look on the map that was sent out to all new students and located the 25 routes cinema. I went there and asked if they would hire for a part time job in the music career, but they said they didn't accept students. To get the job I had to quit university, which was a let down. Oh, anyway, I am going to have to get used to navigating through these traffic lights, there are so many new things here!


Oliver Freddys notes:


At 12:30 there was an information meeting at the student union, so I grabbed a bike to get there. Well, I didn't find any meeting, just a table handing out free stuff, which I guess is alright. Instead I found arcade machines, which is pretty sweet.


They also had a ping pong table, where I played ping pong with this blonde girl. I didn't catch her name, though.

Inges notes:

They were handing out some free stuff at what they called an information meeting for new students, which is pretty neat I guess. Not sure where they kept the meeting, though, because I didn't find any! The coolest thing I got was this gigantic sketch book, perfect for practicing my drawing skills!


Oliver Freddys notes:


University life must be pretty great. This is my first day here, and I already got an invitation to a party. Before I went to the party I called mom to tell her we had arrived safely and everything was ok like I promised. She was so happy I called, and said she was already looking forward to me coming home for the holidays.
The host of the party had already left when I got there, but there still seemed to be some kind of party going on, so I stayed and danced for a while.

<Placeholder for image of Oliver Freddy and Walter Fulman to be uploaded once I get home.>

After a while this guy who introduced himself as Walter Fulman came over and talked to me. I found out he was a loser, an angler and family oriented. He didn't seem like the most interesting person, but we got along alright.

Inges notes:


After I had finished my sketch I went into a nearby room where I found a lectern. There was nobody there, so I tried practicing holding a lecture about painting.

Maybe I could be a professor one day! Afterwards I went back home to our dorm to get to know our room mates, but nobody was there, so I looked through the telescope for a while. When I went to bed for the night, I still hadn't gotten the opportunity to talk to any of my new room mates. Maybe tomorrow!


Oliver Freddys notes:


At the party place they had a nice couch outside I wanted to sit on, but suddenly Jefferey Dean, the host of the party showed up out of nowhere to boast about his gaming skills. At the same time I couldn't help but notice this naked guy entering the party. I didn't ask him about that to not make a fool of myself, but it makes me wonder what kind of place this really is. If you entered a party naked in Sunset Valley, you would get a reprimand and get told to leave pretty quickly, I am sure!


I learned that Jefferey is a good kisser and a daredevil. He is also brave, just like me. Maybe I can like this guy. When I came home and went to bed in the bedroom we had selected, Inge was already asleep. Just to make sure, I locked the door to our room for anyone but us.


Inge class schedual.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:00: VEG 102 - Vegetable theory.
Tuesday at 12:00: ART 110 - Lecture in art.
Thursday at 12:00: ART 112 - Activity in art.

Oliver Freddy class schedual

Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 16:00: SCI 101 - A study in time/space.
Tuesday at 08:00: MED 110 - Lectures in medicine.
Thursday at 08:00: MED 112 - Activity in medicine.

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...