Inges notes:
I tried to make waffles for my room mates again, but this time I managed to burn them. I'm such a loser and failure!
Oliver Freddys notes:
Hmm, the professor must have forgotten that there was a lecture today... oh well, I'm taking notes anyway! I don't want to fail on my exam!
Must be a glitch in the matrix game. There actually wasn't anyone there holding the lecture!
Understandably, many of my fellow students used the opportunity to fall
asleep. After a while, I learned that you could actually use the
computer to read and study, which definately helps. With only three days two and half months left for my exam, that certainly wasn't to soon!
Inges notes:
Ah, so this is the classroom. I wonder who the professor is.
Hmm.. as I wasn't quite sure how to do this. I just stood there for a
while and let everyone else pick their seats first, before I picked
mine. I don't want to make a mistake in front of my fellow students!
Well, at least the professor showed up this time..
..not excactly sure what she is teaching, though, but hey.. art studies... what do I know? ;)
Oliver Freddys notes:
I asked this guy that was over for a visit if he got any fish, and I learned that he was oversensitive, absent minded and a good kisser.
Amazing. Just from that question alone.
Oliver Freddy is the most popular of the two, as he is the one getting the party invitations.
Oliver Freddy: Sure, thing Jefferey! I'll bring my girlfriend too, this time!
Oliver Freddy: Hey, I got an invitation to a party over at Jeffereys place. Wanna join?
Inge: Sure, lets go!
Oh, I'm so happy he brought me along with him for the party! Maybe now is the time for me to make some new friends!
I can feel the exam looming in the not so distant.. distance, and I don't want to disappoint mom... she was so concerned about me going to university... so I'll stand outside here studying on my cellphone for a bit before going inside to join the party.
Aww.. well, that's actually kind of cute.
Inge: I don't like that guy! Booo! He's weird! Boooo!
Is this how you make friends...? I see nothing wrong with him... what are you seeing that I don't?
By the way, standing in the doorway is Jefferey, the host of the party.
Hey, Olli, I'm looking at you....
It's pretty cute how she locked her eyes onto him.. but at the same time, he does not register.. the crappy guitar playing is apparently more fascinating..
Inge: Just excuse me for a second, I just have to go outside and yell out my frustrations at that guy! I really don't like him.. he's so weird! Booo!
Oliver Freddy: I don't like him either!
What guys? Seriously? I see nothing wrong... what has he done? Is he not wearing the right clothes? Really, is that all it takes for a guy to get booed at? Come on... why him and not the crappy guitar player?
Oliver Freddy and Inge: Let's play a prank on the Narrator! Lets morph into each other and become one!
Wait.... what did you just do!? That's kind of disturbing...
Inge: Hey, hubby.. I'm getting a little tired of this party. Shall we go home?
Oliver Freddy:Yes, sweetie.. I think that's a good idea. We should get some rest before our classes tomorrow.
Well, maybe he wasn't so happy to go home after all, but its still cute how she can't stop looking at him!
And once they are home..
Ok.. I think its a clear sign you're getting tired when you're laughing at a naked wall. Seriously, there is nothing and nobody there... and the room next door is completely empty, too.. Bed time for you, young miss!
Sweet dreams...
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