Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Chapter 1.4 - October and November 2021 - Exam preparations...

Inge: Morning, mind if I sit down!

Walter: Sure, I'm already finished and on my way to lecture!

Inges notes:

Why does everyone seem to leave as soon as I arrive? I still haven't made friends with any of my room mates. What am I doing wrong?

Oliver Freddy: Morning Inge. Did you sleep as poorly as I did? We probably shouldn't have stayed up so late at that party last night...

Inge: Yeah, probably.. I had fun though. Hey, do you want to see a movie with me later on the weekend?

Oliver Freddy: Oh, sure, why not!

Wow... this is where I should have shown you a video, but they even eat perfectly synchronized! They're spoons moving up and down to the same rhythm!
You slept so poorly last night, instead of watching tv, I think you should take a nap ... both of you...

..and then off to study.
Inges notes:
When I went to lecture I still felt the lack of sleep from last night. I had a nice nap on the couch, but it didn't help that much. I'm gonna need a strong cup of coffee to make it through this day.

As Inge went to her lecture, Ranveig called Oliver Freddy and wanted to know how he was doing! (I try to base the phone call on what the speech icons show. Well, somewhat.)

Oliver Freddy: Yes, mom, I have gone to all the lectures!

Oliver Freddy: Yes, yes, I am studying my books, too! Don't worry mom! I've got it all under control!

Oliver Freddy: Yes, mom... I will continue my job at the research centre when I get back! Yes, mom...

 Oliver Freddy: What was that, mom? You had a strange dream about what? Some green haired guy?

 Oliver Freddy: Oh, Inge is doing good, too, with her art studies. She's at a lecture right now.

Oliver Freddy: Oh, mom.. it's not like we've gone half way around the globe! We will be home for Christmas! It's only two months, mom! Ok, bye mom! Love you!

Inge: Hi, you're the guy who's party we were at!

 Jeffery: Heey, whats up? You're Oliver's chick right? The art student?

Inge: Yes, I have always liked painting and art since I was in high school. That's where I met Oliver Freddy, too. We met on the school bus when I tripped onto his seat!

Jefferey: Umm, ok.. that's interesting. Look, my class starts soon, so... I have to go... see you later...


 Oliver Freddys notes:

By November the oven still hadn't been cleaned, but atleast there were hot dogs in the kitchen. Perfect for breakfast. I said good morning to Matthew as I sat down to eat, and judging from the way he was devouring his hot dog I think I just found the reason why the kitchen is as it is...

Matthew: Om nom slurp om nom slurp om nom nom nom!

Morning Inge, why did you chose to sit over there by yourself? Is something amiss?

Inges notes:

Someone had already made hot dogs when I got up, which is nice. I didn't bother sitting down at the table with Oliver and Matthew this morning, as that would probably make Matthew leave. I don't want to stand in the way of my sweet Olli making new friends.

Aaw.. :(
Oliver Freddy: Oh oh, my lecture starts soon! Gotta go! Exam is coming up next month!


I am sorry to hear about your trouble making new friends, but exam is coming up soon, Inge! I want you to study!

Wait, what are you doing outside there with that skeleton? I hope this is part of your lecture..

Oliver Freddy: Hmm, this part here looks like a chicken leg...

Never mind I asked...

Hold your head up high, brave young woman! It's time to study! Final lecture before your exam, Inge. Lets go!

Oh no, its a drawing class out in the rain! You couldn't do that inside, seriously?

Way to go professor. Do you want all your students to get sick before the exam, is that what you want?
Inges notes:
Our final lecture before the exam was a drawing lecture where we combined all the techniques learned throughout the semester, and got some useful tips for the exam, too. Unfortunately it was raining all throughout the lecture. Many of the other students left because of the rain, but I really don't want to be a loser and fail the exam, so I stayed all the way through even if I got soaked. When the lecture ended, I was the only student left.

Oliver Freddy: There is a party over at Jefferey Deans house again!

Not in the last days before the exam, Oliver Freddy.. focus! You are NOT going!

When I got home from the lecture I changed to some dry clothes and played computer games for a while. Later in the evening this guy called Che came over to our dorm for a visit. I thought he looked interesting, maybe he could be my friend? So I talked to him about my favorite tv-shows, but he didn't seem to care. Making friends at university is a lot harder than I thought.

Oliver Freddys notes:

As the final exam came closer, the kitchen only got worse and worse, and eventually there was no available bench space, so for the last days before the my diet was mostly microwaved food. I have never seen such a dirty kitchen before, absolutely disgusting. But I had no time to clean it, because I had to prepare for my exam!

 Inges notes:

As no one was interested in talking to me, I went to bed early even if I knew I should be eating before going to bed. I had just lost all appetite and I only wanted to sleep.

Oliver Freddy went to bed shortly thereafter, and then something happened outside.
Bad luck dude! Hopefully it was not the day before his exam...

Oh, well it didn't last that long. Suddenly he was back.. wonder what they did to him...

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After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...