Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Chapter 1.5 - December 2021. Exam and exam results.

Inge: Oooh! Fibi Lay!

Inges notes:

Semester was coming to a close and exam day was soon here for both us. Unsurprsingly I woke up feeling super hungry so I finally got myself some food. We spent almost the entire time before our exam on the computer cramming in as much knowledge as we could.

 Exam day is here! The grey early winters weather makes it look a little dreary here, just like my mood lately. But I want to pass, so I will work hard and do my best!

Oliver Freddys notes:

Exam day is here! This is it! I must do my best or mom will be worried!

Good luck to both of you!

Inge: Yibs! I passed my exam, I am not a loser!

Congratulations Inge!

 Inges notes:

I had noticed the kitchen and dining room getting more and more gross during the semester, but at the end I was usually to tired from studying and not making any new friends to bother with the cleaning. Knowing that I passed the exam lifted some weight off my shoulders though. Just enough to bother cleaning up this stinking mess. Now I can't wait to go home for christmas. I miss my family, mom, dad and Kristina.

Congratulations Oliver Freddy on passing the exam!

Oliver Freddys notes:

I was happy to receive a message from Jefferey that he had invited me to a bonfire party. Perfect timing to celebrate passing the exam. I sent him a reply telling that me and Inge would come over shortly, but then for some reason I got a brief message where he apologized that the party had been cancelled without giving an explanation. Strange..

Inges notes:

I wasn't to excited about going to Jeffereys party this time, so I didn't mind that it was supposedly "cancelled". Oliver Freddy sent me a new text though, and said we could head out to The Grotto instead to celebrate. Even though we have spent an entire semester here, none of us had actually been there before.

Oliver Freddy: It's a shame about Jefferey's party, but hey.. who needs that guy, we can have our own party!

Inge: Oh, I agree! That kind of drama is just silly... let's go to the bar and enjoy a few drinks!

Inge: I feel like I have learned a lot this first semester. Not just about art, but also living away from home for the first time, what it means to be a student and all that! All in all, this has been a worthwile experience.

Oliver Freddy: Oh yeah, it has been interesting for sure.

Inge: Let's go to the next room where there is music, I want to dance!

Oliver Freddys notes:

I was happy that Inge enjoyed herself so much, but I was still bummed out that Jefferey revoked the invitation just like that. I did my best to pretend not to care, though. I didn't want to spoil her evening.

Inges notes:

There wasn't really that many other people out at the Grotto, but I didn't care. I had passed my exam and Oliver Freddy was there, and I would soon go home to my family for christmas, and that was all that mattered to me! I had so much fun dancing, and we danced until both of us were to tired to dance anymore! What a perfect evening!

Perfectly synchronized yawning, even. How do they do it? :P

 Inges notes:

We got our exam results and our grades the next day!

I knew we had passed, but I was still anxious to check the result!

I was happy to see that we were actually the best students on our dorm! Oliver Freddy got an A, I am so proud of him! I got a B, which also good, but that means there is also room for improvement. If I study a little harder next semester, maybe I will get an A too!

 Oliver Freddys notes:


I was super excited the next morning when the results came in! I got an A! Mom will be so proud, I can't wait to come home and deliver the news! Inge got a B, which is also really good. Superb!

 The rest of the day was pretty chill and I spent most of it upstairs on my little reading spot all the while it was snowing heavily outside.

 I got a message from Jeffery where he apologized for cancelling the party yesterday, and that he would make up for it by hosting a new one tonight. I had to tell him that unfortunately I couldn't go to his party, because me and Inge had already planned to go home for christmas later that night.

Inges notes: 

The saturday after the exam pretty much everyone spent most of the day inside, probably because of the weather outside. I spent most of the day watching playing video games with Liz Terry or watching tv with Nicole Lawry. Where have they been all this time? It's surprising that an entire semester can pass, and I hardly see anything from my room mates! I almost can't believe it! It was so nice to finally get to hang out with them!

Picture: Nicole Lawry.

Later in the afternoon I decided to take a course in writing, so I headed over to the institute of economics to for their afternoon writing class. Writing was another thing I had really wanted to learn. Writing, drawing and painting is want I want to do most of all! I would be so happy to write my first illustrated book!

When I came outside, the ground was already white with snow! That was very fascinating, because I had never seen snow before! I wanted so much to make snow angels right then and there, but I had to head over there quickly to not miss the course!

I was a little nervous about driving on snowy conditions too, but luckily there wasn't any traffic on the roads and no sharp corners, or I think I might have drifted off the road!

After the course I had to hurry home again quickly to finish packing, because we had already planned to leave that night! Oh, it would be so good as well to come home for christmas and see my family again!

Oliver Freddys notes:

 When we were leaving, Liz Tarry, Daniel Vaughn and Walter Fullman was nice enough to come out and wave us goodbye, but I think Walter could have bothered to take a shower first. Something tells me he was probably the one mostly responsible for the detoriating state of the kitchen! Ew!

He probably figured that bit out, as he walked inside right after Matthew Tellmer and Nicole Lawry also came out to wave us goodbye.

Nicole Lawry: Bye, bye and merry christmas Inge and Oliver! Hope to see you again next year!

After this, their journey will continue in Sunset Valley as they are home for the christmas holidays...

Ending notes:

This first semester was a bit of an experimental trial run getting used to the university experience (for me and them. :P) . For the next semester I hope they will be a little more seasoned and may begin to explore various other lots around the campus for a, perhaps, more interesting experience.

Previous | Next (Sunset Valley)

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