Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Chapter 2.1 - January 2022 - Back to old grounds...

Now, when Lizzie Mund, one of Inges friends she met the first semester, talked to her about the history of the university town, there was one thing she failed to mention.. yes, the universty is one of the oldest in the nation and there is a lot of history there, but.. This area traditionally belonged, or belongs, to the Onebega1) Tribe of native Simbrians.. hence the name.. and this is a really dark part of the history of the nation which I won't go into detail about right now, but..the universitys buildings weren't the first "educational" buildings in this area.... 

Picture: The Onebega Centre of Culture and History with the lake in the background.

Sims that study history at the university, will definately learn more about this. None of "our sims" do, though. And this is where we left them off last time.. They are back outside the De Anda house, coming straight from Sunset Valley. They better change to some warm clothing, or go inside...

I hope this semester will be a more social one, especially for Inge. So far, I see no one else living at their dorm. And Inge does what I would expect her to do, go inside and watch the cooking channel on tv. Oliver Freddy just made some kind of trap on the computer.

Inge left her street art kit that she bought at the Blitzkrieg house back in Sunset Valley, so she heads out to the Night Owl Convenience Store to see if she can get a new one. As she does so, I see some other students also coming back from their christmas holiday. I don't recognize them immediately.. looks like they got some new dorm mates!

Well, I recognize two of them, Liz Tarry and Jonathan Dirk. The rest of them are strangers to me.

Luckily for Inge (maybe..) they did have some street art kits at the store.. and now she wants to practice street art of course..

Just have to make a snow angel first.. "This is so much fun!" she says, still impressed by the snow. Southern girl in winter wonderland. ;)

Oliver Freddy is getting to know new dorm mate Cody Eisenberg, and finds that they share a personality trait.

Inge sits down to study already, outside the convenience store. "I got a B last semester, this time I want an A! Besides..street art is probably best practiced after dark..." she thinks.

Debbie Richards sits down next to Inge and starts talking about kids songs.
"Yes, kids songs are so much fun", Inge replies before turning another page in her book. This also fulfills her wish to meet a rebel, as Debbie is a level 10 rebel. Inge now wants to make friends with Debbie.

"I am an art student" says Inge. "What do you study?"

"I am also an art student!" Debbie replies. "We should read together!"
They talk a little more about kids toys, studying and working out, before Debbie finds out she has to go. "It was nice to meet you, Inge!" she says, before leaving. "I have to go the orientation meeting at the student union. Are you coming?"

Inge: Oh, yes.. orientation meeting.. I just got to finish this page first...

"Orientation meeting.. well, I went there last semester, but it doesn't hurt to go again.. Meet some new people, maybe pick up some new stuff.."
Oliver Freddy is also going, and follows right behind.

They go to each their table again to pick up some free stuff, before Inge goes to practice pool by herself. Oliver Freddy place table tennis with Patty Hong.

"Ok, this was interesting enough, but I want to go back home.." Inge thinks.

While Inge goes home, Oliver Freddy continues to socialize. Here he is playing foosball with Nina Simons.

Oh, but then Inge gets a phone call.. its her first party invation. Some guy named Mahmoud Yavari has invited her to a party. I want Inge to be more social instead of being a couch potato sitting at home all the time, so I have her go to the party.
Well, I try to have her enter the party, but for some reason it always cancels..

"I don't want to party, I want to take a course in the handiness skill instead! You can't force me!"
Dangit! Seriously? Alright then, miss anti-social!
I look around, but find nowhere in town that offers handiness classes.. are you sure you don't want to go to the party?
"I'm absolutely positive! I'll go to the library and read a book about handiness instead!"

Oliver Freddy is watching a presentation by another art student about the History and Concept of Cartoons, Caricatures and its Societal Implications for Long Term Window Shopping.

"The library is a much better place for me then any party could ever be!"

Alright...well, as you please.. as long you are happy I suppose that is the most important thing.. can't push everyone through the same mould!

Oliver Freddy is a completely different character.. "These arcade machines are so cool!" he says.

I have Inge put the book down, once she has gone up a level in handiness. Alright, so what do you want to do now?

"I want to read another book!"
Lame! I'll have you call Debbie, since you also want to make friends with her.

Art students talk about art and the complexities of choosing the right colour palette.

"I'm hungry, now I want to go home.."
Yes, you can do that.. You didn't go to the party like I wanted you to, but atleast you have been a little social, so its alright...

Oliver Freddy is also heading home. He's been having fun and is a little juiced I see...
They go to bed for the night, and wake up perfectly synchronized the next morning. They're obviously very different, yet they seem to have a thing for being synchronized like that when they are together...

Good morning, sunshines! ;)

January morning....
Inge goes to play computer games, and Oliver Freddy makes another trap...

I had Inge call Debbie again, I really want her to make some friends, but Debbie didn't have time to talk until in the evening. A very busy person, that Debbie... so Inge goes back to play computer games again...

Liz Tarry: Haha, was it you that made the trap on the computer yesterday? That was hilarious!

Oliver Freddy: I did it for science! It was a very serious experiment!

Liz Tarry: Oh, science, yes! I have always wanted to pick apart machines to see how they work!

Oliver Freddy: Hmm, I wonder what I can find in here... for science!

He roots through the trash...

Oliver Freddy: Heey, not bad.. I found some red butterfly and a nice green carpet! It will be perfect for our bedroom!

Oliver Freddy: I was hoping to find a book about logic, though.. guess I will have to go to the bookstore instead! 

Yeah, but first you're gonna need a shower.. I can smell you from all the way over here...

Inge compliments Daniel Vaugn for his cooking.

Oliver Freddy goes to his first lecture in "Philosophical Perspectives in Electrodynamics".

With Oliver Freddy on his first lecture, I don't want Inge to just sit around the house, so I persuade her to go hang out at the Student Unions building...

And she goes into a room to play computer games as expected, but hey, hold on a minute! Who is that guy!? Isn't it.. Eddy!? Oh, it is! Poor Eddy.. what are you doing here!?

"I am here to study Art, because Art is the most important thing in Life.."

I see.. well, you and Inge have something in common, then..

"Don't distract me with Girls..."

I wasn't trying to, I was just saying that... oh, nevermind...

Then some guy starts to hold a presentation about a whole lot of nothing and both Inge and Eddy decide to watch it.

And after that its time for Inges first lecture "A taste of stick figures" so she runs off.

Oliver Freddy finds Liz Tarry reading a book by a chess table. None of them say anything to each other, though...

Inge talks to fellow art student Brian Petersen about building a snowman, before Debbie Richards comes and starts talking to him. Inge is getting tired, but sticks around for a while, listening to their conversation, before she decides to go home.

Oliver Freddy is trying out the different benches around campus...

Well, she didn't quite go home.. she changed her mind, and went back to continue talking about snowmen with Brian Petersen...

It turns into a group conversation, before some random naked guy runs by them.. Streaking in the snow, even! He's got some big.. uh... you know. ;) ....snowballs...

Brian continues to talk to Samantha, Inge and Debbie go for making each their snowman.

Oliver Freddy talks insanely about jogging to someone called Marlene Huse. Then he discovers that they have incompatible traits. He is brave, and she is a loser.

After which he realizes he is cold, and decides to go home to warm up..

Inge just finished a tragic clown snowman before going back home as well.
Oliver Freddy went to sleep in their bed, but Inge was so tired, she didn't quite make it and passed out in the hallway...

The door to their bedroom is just to the right of the stereo, so she could have made it if she had just walked a little bit longer.... well, uh... good night.. ;)

Previous (Sunset Valley) | Previous (Lake Onebega) | Next (Lake Onebega) | Next (Lake Onebega - uncensored)

The two nexts are the exact same chapter, only the one to the right has uncensored nudity because of a streaker, and will also require you to be signed in to confirm your age.

1) The name Onebega is inspired by the name of Lake Onega, a lake in modern day R*ssia, which lies in the area where the Sámi language is said to have originated. The Sámi population is the native population in northern Lapland (parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and well, the aforementioned R*ssia...). 

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...