Saturday, June 3, 2023

Chapter 2.2 - February 2022 - Full Moon Love I has no name, there's one for every season....

Sonata Arctica - Full Moon (piano version)

Inges notes:

I was so tired last night when I came home after spending the entire day out, I passed out on the floor. I hope nobody saw that! It would have been extremely embarrassing!

I really needed my Olli then to cuddle against. He was so warm and good, and I had such a sweet dream about us in the future, going on vacation with our kids.

Narrators notes:

When morning comes they do a synchronised wake up, again! And what the heck, Oliver Freddy? Did you really go to sleep wearing that on your feet!?

Oliver Freddys notes:

I wanted to dream about snorkeling, so I went to bed with my swimfins on, but I was a bit disappointed it didn't help. I can't remember dreaming anything at all tonight.
I went downstairs and opened my book to study, when the alarm on my cellphone went off. I started using the alarm this semester, just to make sure I didn't get late for any of the lectures, even though it was never a problem.

Narrators notes:

So off he goes to lecture.. in shorts and a t-shirt. Come on, man! It's february, and its still winter time! This isn't Sunset Valley, haven't you learned by now?

Inges notes:

I sat down in our dining room to have my breakfast, and when Cody came down I called for him to sit at my table, but he just ignored me. I still don't understand why people do that sometimes.. it makes me feel like such a loser. I tried not to think to much of it and keep my mood up, but it does hurt a little.

Oliver Freddys notes:

Todays lecture on quantom mechanics was the most confusing thing I have ever heard, I really struggled to understand what was going on here. I'm probably going to have to review this material a few times over, and then maybe it will stick. I wasn't prepared for this at all. University can be really hard sometimes.

Inges notes:

Regardless of being ignored, I wanted to get an A this semester, so I knew that I had to study. I don't know where everyone goes most of the time, but at least the quietness of our dorm makes it easy to focus. Another thing that makes me a little down is that I have heard that Nicole Lawry that lived with us last semester is doing a semester abroad in Dinsflew Wendel. I hope she has fun and wants to come back to live with us when she is done there.

Narrators notes:

Outside their dorm, romance is blooming.. Liz Tarry seems to have developed some feelings for Daniel Vaughn. Its cute. :P

Oliver Freddy is done with his lecture, and it looks like there's gonna be a toilet line.. and uh..

Crazy naked sim inside spoiler:

..right, when I put the walls down to get an overview, I can't help but notice this naked student out in the hallway.. like, seriously. I swear, it wasn't like that when I went to university.. atleast not at 10 o'clock on a regular tuesday! The nudists name is Denise Frink, and her status tells me she is not actually a student.. right, so she just decided to go to the university campus to run around naked for no reason at all. One for the nuthouse...

When Oliver Freddy gets dressed to go home, she goes upstairs to dance, still in the nude. Haha. He just barely missed seeing her, its probably best that way...

Inges notes:

I managed to finsh the chapter about how to select the right brush just before I had to go to my lecture! I heard that Oliver Freddy just came home behind me, but I had no time to talk to him.

I want to be a good painter and illustrator really bad, but sometimes the way the professors here do their lectures just seems really boring. It looks to me as if it is just a necessary chore for them to get through, and that they would be much happier if they could just do their research all day instead. Many of the students even fell asleep during the lecture, and I kind of don't blame them.

Narrators notes:

Someone just fought in the computer lab. University seems to be a little more lively this semester...

Inges notes:

As the lecture was getting close to end, Jonathan stood next to me looking over my shoulder and stretching his arms. He's kind of hot, but his behaviour is sometimes a bit weird. I tried to ignore him, though, because I want to focus on my studies, and I don't want to ruin anything. My plan is to go back to Sunset Valley with Oliver Freddy once our degrees are complete.

I was also getting a bit tired from not sleeping enough last night, so I wanted to head home to get a nap.

When I came home, I felt so much like going back to the Student Union to play a game of pool, but I knew I needed that nap first.

Liz Tarrys notes:

I walked out of the Student Union to head home when Inge rushed by me. I tried to say hello, but she just ran on as if I wasn't there. I'm not sure whats up with that girl. Sometimes she's all friendly, other times its as if she's in a world of her own.

Oliver Freddys notes:

When I got home, I immediately began to review the chapter on quantum physics, hoping to understand it better.

It was really tough reading, and I felt a bit grumpy and in a bad mood afterwards. Thats when I know its time to unwind, so I wanted to head over to the Student Union to find someone to play table tennis with.

Sometimes I can hear things that scare me. Mom has told me that it runs in the family and that it isn't real, but it scares me nonetheless. I could swear I heard the sound of wolves howling, and I immediately felt that there must have been werewolves or something just outside, ready to eat me any moment. I hate it when this happens. I knew that there was a full moon this night, so I didn't really want to go at first.

I did my best to remember my sweet mothers words and carefully opened the door to peak outside. I couldn't hear the sound anymore, and it looked quiet enough, so I decided to brave it and go anyway, but it was a bit nerve wrecking for a while.

Narrators notes:

Poor Oliver Freddy, he suffers from a version of the same condition as both his mother, Ranveig, and his grandmother, Eirin. Thats why he sometimes can act a little random. It has always been a thing for the Motorsen family to not have anyone else deal with it. “Its a matter of the family and no one else” Eirin used to tell her kids.
    She had her familys best intentions in mind, though, and thought it would be to shameful and damaging to share this with anyone. Back in the day mental illness was something no one talked much about, but in recent years it has become a little more accepted, and people in Sunset Valley and elsewhere have become more enlightened about it. So maybe Oliver Freddy will be the first to break this cycle, and finally seek some treatment to lessen or remove the impact of this illness on the family?

Inges notes:

I wanted to practice pool by myself, because I'm not sure if I will be good enough to beat anyone yet, and I don't want people to view me as a loser. Winning is very important to me. If I think I can't win, I would rather play alone until I become good enough.

When I was over there playing pool, I was approached by this guy called Troy Francis that wanted to play juice pong. Like pool, I wasn't sure if I could play this juice pong, but he said it was a lot of fun and insisted I try, so I couldn't refuse.

And it went just like I expected, I totally sucked at it! I couldn't hit the cups at all, and instead I threw a ball right in his mouth! It was so embarrassing! He had to spit it out on the floor!

He said it was cool, though, and we continued the game for a while. After failing for a few rounds I could feel I was getting buzzed and wanted to quit, so I left him to go downstairs to solve a math problem on one of the white boards there.

I know, it doesn't quite make sense that I, as an art student, should want to solve a math problem, but I do remember how fun I thought math was in school, and I just couldn't help myself! I think math is a bit of an art too sometimes.

Oliver Freddys notes:

I certainly don't regret making it outside to go down there, as I had a lot of fun playing table tennis with Sophie Mander, before Inge showed up. She had ordered something to eat, so I sat down by her table to read that quantum physics chapter again. I had to get it this time.

Inges notes:

The juice pong and the math equation had made me hungry, so I went upstairs again to order a burrito. I felt calmed to not see Troy anywhere, as I felt I had made such a fool of myself earlier. I forgot all about it, though, when I saw my sweet Olli leaving this girl he was playing table tennis with to join me at my table. Even though he was busy reading his book.

I guess I must have been a bit juiced still, because after I finished my burrito I told him excactly how I felt about him right then and there!

I was disappointed when he didn't even lift his eyes from the book, though, and it made me feel very insecure. Doesn't he love me? Maybe he doesn't. Maybe it is because I am still a loser. And even worse, some other girl just sat down right next to him chewing on a hot dog.

It made me feel bad, so I excused myself to go to the toilet. He only replied by telling me how bad he thought the toilets here were, because of how often they would get clogged.

Oliver Freddys notes:

I was just in the middle of reading a complex section about quantum mechanics when Inge all of a sudden exclaimed how much she loved me and how happy she was to be with me. Its weak of me as her boyfriend, I know, but I was so focused on trying to understand these quantum physics, I was thrown aback by this sudden statement and didn't know how to reply for a while, before she excused herself to go to the toilet. And the only thing I could come up with then was how crappy I thought the toilets here were for clogging all the time...

Somewhat embarrassed I continued to read my book, and I hadn't even noticed this girl that had sat down next to me until I noticed her chewing sounds from eating a hot dog.

When she finished eating, I had to break the silence with something, so I told her I might hold a party next month. She introduced herself as Siri Skogvold and said that would be cool and that she would like to go. So now I have to plan a party at our dorm! I should probably get one of those juice kegs now or something!

Then another girl came down to sit at our table as well. She complained about how bad people at her dorm were at cleaning up their kitchen. I knew our dorm sometimes wasn't much better, but I decided to keep my mouth shut this time.

Siri eventually excused herself to go study at a nearby table, and then this other girl asked me if I had any vegetable seeds to spare. She wanted to plant some outside her dorm as soon as the snow had melted and the ground had thawed. Unfortunately I do not carry seeds around, so I had to disappoint her.

Inges notes:

After exiting the bathroom, I still felt stupid for saying what I did and how Oliver didn't say anything, so I went over to play an arcade game when I got a phone call from Walter Fullman asking me for a date.

I told him no, because he was the slob that made such a mess out of our kitchen last sememster, and I don't want to date a slob. After this I thought I have had enough fun for the day, and it had already gotten quite late, so I went home and put myself to bed. I didn't want to pass out on the floor in the hallway again...

Oliver Freddys notes:

Inge didn't return after going to the bathroom. I don't know where she went, but I hope she had gone home. I wanted to go home too, but I also wanted to be disciplined, so I didn't allow myself to put the book down until I had finished the chapter about quantum mechanics... Joanie from class also came to my table to have a burger. She had also struggled to grasp todays lecture, so I wasn't the only one.

Once home I stopped out in the hallway for a while to try to remember what I had just read before going to bed for the night. Now I just have to remember to buy that juice keg and throw that party next month!
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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...