Saturday, September 16, 2023

Chapter 5.1 – August 2023 – part II: Plants, planets and pillows.

I would just like to start with this image, where both of them dream about art. Oliver Freddy isn't usually into art, it's Inge who is the art student, but they obviously have some influence over each other. I suppose in their dreams now Inge would be the brush and Oliver Freddy would be the palette.. but then, who is the canvas? :P


Cute morning wake up picture. Inge looks like she has something on her mind. Oliver Freddy is a little groggy. He knows his first lecture will start soon in just a few hours. :P

..but first, breakfast time. Oliver Freddy talks about their date from yesterday, they've been together as a couple for quite some time now, which is impressive for their young age! :P

Inge talks about the party they ended up at. She has really started to enjoy them now that she has finally reached her secondary goal of actually becoming popular.. Just don't let it get out of hand. ;)

They have a good conversation by the breakfast table now though and there's no apparent disagreement.. then Oliver Freddy gets a little grumpy for having to run off to his lecture this early..

..but that's university life. That's what you came here for. Now go and make mommy proud. ;)

Inge has plenty of time though, so she spends her forenoon playing with the ball with Jonathan. It looks like they enjoy each others company now and Inge even feels attracted to him, but I can't tell if he still feels the same about her.. and yet, though while playing with him, she gets a wish to go on a date with Oliver Freddy again.. so in her mind, she knows what her plan is, or.. she doesn't want to place her bets on this one..


Taking advantage of him needing a bathroom break, she sat down on a computer to start a new novel. After her first attempt at a romance novel, "A miner's heart", had flopped and gotten some pretty negative reviews, she wanted to try something different and go for a science fiction novel instead.. 

    Not necessarily skipping over the romance, but not keeping it as the main driver for the storyline either. She wanted to make it a novel of.. exploration? A heros journey? Something like that? Distant planets and science wasn't necessarily her thing, but she had her boyfriend to lean on.. and being a writer, she had learnt, one would need to be able to conduct ones own research on a wide variety of topics... 

    She pictured this lone character from a planet known as Demetris IV by the Kakoseidus, but called Mag Ildatach by its inhabitants... If it went well, she hoped she could make it into a series of books.. maybe..


Oliver Freddy had finished his first lecture in the history of geriatrics, which was.. not the most interesting topic, but it was.. alright. His mind was still occupied with what he had been reading about the plantsims, so he went to the Student Union building to do some more experiments and a few of his plant samples. He didn't get to much wiser, but atleast he managed to extract some of their DNA.

Inge couldn't spend all her time writing, so she had to take a few breaks watching the cooking channel. In some circles, chefs are considered artists too, and she enjoyed watching it. Not just to learn recipes, but also because some of the chefs on the show were a little more experimental than others, and had some pretty radical ideas on how to design the food on the plate. Very fascinating what they can make just by a few simple ingredients, sometimes less really is more.. Food for the eye, maybe not so much for the stomach. ;)

Then it was back to writing again.. what if there could be an entire planet made out of meat somewhere out there? Like a gigantic meat ball.. no of course not, that's much to ridiculous... she imagined that Mag Ildatach had a slight dark red hazy hue to it's atmosphere, even during the middle of the day, as the planet had just seen a massive burst of volcanic activity filling the air with tiny particles that would still linger in the air and cool the planets climate for years to come... The volcanic eruptions had caused a night to come, and the planet was now in it's morning hours again...


Oliver Freddy couldn't let go of the idea of fusing human and plant DNA, and went to the whiteboard to make a diagram of what he knew so far about the different types of DNA.. there had to be some common ground, some way they could be combined and still produce a life form that could actually live as both human and plant.. Imagine the benefits of being able to pick up nutrients directly from the soil, and not having to go the route via.. other plants and meat from other animals... Maybe plantsims was the future..

However, he didn't really see a solution to his diagram – any possible way of splicing the DNAs, and it still looked very much like nonsensical science fiction at this point.. the kind of stuff that a novelist might come up with, since when writing a book things don't actually have to work, they just have to sound like they do..


He didn't want anyone to find his silly diagrams, so he wiped the whiteboard clean before he ran off to the library to read up on logic instead... Talking plants and trees, bah! One would have to be insane to come up with something like that...

After sending in the first chapters of her new novel to the publisher, Inge had received a small payment of 14 simoleons and decided that was enough writing for today, so she spent the rest of her time before the lecture playing some video games. It was a warm and pleasant summer day now that all the rain had passed from earlier this month, so she decided to skip using the car and run all the way to her lecture.


The library was peaceful and quiet, the perfect place to do some indepth reading on logic and clear thinking, where there would be no army of dancing university mascots to continuously rupture the silence..


..but even if the only sounds heard are people whispering in the distance, quiet footsteps on the stone floor and fumbling of paper from pages being turned in a book, going deep into the philosophy of rationalism and realism can be a tiring experience, so at one point he found it necessary to make the decision to head out to get some fresh air while returning to his dorm for a less dense atmosphere...

I was expecting him to relax or even go to sleep, but nope.. he immediately went for the computer to rehearse what he learnt during todays lecture! What a good boy, mommy will surely be very proud when she sees his grade report! ;)

He even remember the feed the fish, Ansgar, that he keeps in a bowl just outside their bedroom. A detail I haven't mentioned, but it was a fish he caught last year, and for some reason there he wanted to keep it as a pet, instead of something to be sampled for scientific purposes..

Then it's back to studying again.. Oliver Freddy really takes his studies seriously. ;)

After Inge is finished with her lecture, she listens to a joke by one of her fellow art students, and hearts begin to flutter again..

Inge is the kind of person that is very easily impressible, not because she is
easily impressed, but because she is almost hyper sensitive to everything in her surroundings, whether it's people, butterflies or a beautiful sunset in a rundown industrial harbour area... the curse of having an 'artistic soul', she just can't help it.. it doesn't even have to be beautiful in the traditional sense to be impactful and cause an attraction in her... sometimes even when she's sober..

                    I see beauty in dead flowers...

..but she knows she has to stay grounded and not get carried away, so once the topic has changed from jokes about the art of food to the craft of writing she seizes the opportunity to give a nod to the journalists, such as the mother of her boyfriend.. so that this guy knows she is taken, and effectively closing this door for both of them..


Then it's time to leave him and the other students behind for a while, to return to her favourite item to get some alone time to unwind without all these impressions from the outside world.. The couch and the tv are perfect companions when you just want to be by yourself...


They didn't find time to go on a date today, but later when it's time for supper with her boyfriend she starts to talk about the bed and pillows...


Oliver Freddy catches on to what she's saying, and listening to her voice talking about bedsheets makes him want to give her a kiss.. ;)


Let dishes be dishes, there's no need to ask.. wish granted... and from here there's only one way this could go..

Sometimes it's just hard to take your eyes off of what you really love..

The face of someone that knows what comes next...

Waiting patiently...

The bed is comfortable, the pillows are soft, but.. oh, would you look at that!

The bed probably didn't find this to comfortable, but the kids sure enjoyed it, taking their turns being both the brush and the palette.. Art was made and when they were done the brush was dripping with paint, however this art was of the kind that could only be enoyed in the moment as they made sure that nothing really stuck to the canvas... for now...


Good night.. ;)


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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...