Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Chapter 5.4 – November 2023 – The double chocolate latte and the hot dog flavoured DNA....


Oliver Freddy woke up with great derermination this morning. Fueled by last months discovery and the bravery of youth, he definately felt he was on to something.

        "I'm going to clone a human!" he said ferociously while lifting his finger at the wall in front of like he was some genious madman holding a speech to the masses about his brilliantly terrifying plans for the future...

        "You're gonna do what?" Inge said while sitting up on the bedside, struggligng to wake up.

"I'll clone a human! One day.. I think I'll figure it out! It's gonna be necessay if I am to make plant-human hybrids.. just like in the book!"

        "mmhmm..... that sounds really interesting..." Inge said while rubbing her eyes gently. She didn't really think it sounded particularly plausible.. to be able to make plantsims.. she considered it to be science fiction, but then again.. what did she know?


And besides.. she didn't want to discourage him, after all... ".. I think I need a cup of coffee..." she said, before making it downstairs to the coffee machine trying out another one of the flavours the machine offered.. and making it a double, to be able to atleast somewhat hang on to her boyfriends ramblings...

She had no idea about cloning (the only things she knew about cloning was how to use the clone tool in digital image editing software), but still she figured that cloning humans was a little ambitious straight away like that.. That hadn't been done before! So she suggested that if he wanted to learn cloning, maybe he should start with something simple like a rock.. Not to offend him, but because she was a little concerned he might be trying to take on to much...


"Hmm... well, you do have a point..." he had to admit after taking some bites from his hot dog and chewing on it for a while.. "..creating a new life in the lab is not an easy task.. but if you don't mind, I'll keep some of your DNA samples for later use...."

Inge didn't object to much there. It would certainly be exciting.. maybe... to have a clone of herself she thought, after he had taken off to run to todays final exercize before their exam period would begin, leaving his unfinished hot dog on the plate..

However, it was also a little bit of a scary idea.. what if something went wrong, and the clone ended up being "corrupted" somehow..? What if it ended up being an evil version of herself instead of an exact copy..? Cloning was definately risky business.. She had already given him her DNA, but she had to think about this too.. It was still her DNA...




Oliver Freddy had to run fast as his ponderings by the breakfast table had left him a little late, leaving everyone else time to already gather with their anatomy skeletons outside the medicine building...


After her breakfast Inge was feeling the temptation from the beer keg again, but came to her senses in the very last minute.. Time to get some fresh air again...


Once she walked outside she saw the light of the morning november sunrays adding a yellow glow on the hillsides, and she immediately felt like she wanted to paint something to capture this light.. so once more she got into her car, driving around the blocks, before settling on a spot right above the hospital...


This spot would have to do for now.. She wanted to practice painting buildings, however the old fire and police station building wasn't excactly pretty on first glance, so she thought she could a little bit of flavour to it by adding some of her own by covering up the grey wall on its eastern side with something a little more vibrant...

Outside the medicine building Oliver Freddy couldn't help but feel like he was being examined already as both Abigial Kaya and Denise Frink had stopped by to watch him rehearse the bone structure with keen interest...


Inge was pleased with her temporary result as she had to pack down the easel to head to her own final class before the exam period would begin...


She made it there just in time for class to begin, and it looks like Karoliinás mother Márjanná has signed up for art classes too, as she was seen attending practicing making some sketches of her own.


Close up of Márjanná sitting by the edge of the fountain taking part in todays art class.

..and I guess I should't be to surprised here, because as they are practicing the latest techniques they have learnt, the streaking gag that is Jennifer Rockefeller shows up again, serving somewhat as a nude model for them as she runs back on forth there on the lawn... darn it Jennifer, what is wrong with you? Why haven't you been expelled from campus yet? :P

Well, anyway.. strange commotions at Inges lecture aside... Oliver Freddy had finished his to return to a more peaceful task of taking care of his plants. It seems that the November weather has been a bit milder than expected as the apple tree he planted earlier has woke up from it's dormant state and started growing.. just hope that it's not to confused about the seasons and realize it has to go back to being dormant again before the frost settles in and winter comes...


Well, that beer keg is dangerous.. inbetween his lecture and him watering the plants, he called in a repair lady to fix a broken shower in the bathroom, and it looks like after the job was done, she decided to charge him with 50 simoleons and a cup of beer for the job.. Just one can't hurt.. yeah..


Well, he didn't notice her helping herself to some drink on the job, as he was fast out the door to return to the lab. He remembered that he had brought with him a piece of iron from Sunset Valley, and thought it would experiment with it first, to see if he could successfully clone it before moving on to more advanced items...


Well, this is it. Is it gonna work? He hoped so.. He became a little anxious when the laser beams hit the sample, but by then it was to late to hit the abort button and he could only let them do their job, carefully monitoring the screen for any 'fatal' errors...

Well wouldn't you know., there was no need to be nervous... it worked perfectly! He had successfully cloned his first item! It was only a piece of iron, he thought, but it was still pretty impressive for an undergrad student..


He was really confident now that he would have a beaming career ahead of him.. He felt unstoppable now!


During her lecture Inge had received yet another party invitation from Samantha, and of course she was going! Having a best friend like Samantha was wonderful, she thought and she was quick to run off to go to her house yet again!

This time it was a costume party, so Inge had to quickly stop by the grocery store on the way (which also had a small section for costumes in the back of the store) to get one. However, they were nearly sold out for costumes and only had a few left.. the only one in Inges size was a hot dog costume.. Not what she would've liked to go as, but it was better than no costume, so she decided to get it..


Samantha didn't mind, she thought it was great, and was just happy that Inge showed up again. However, that wasn't enough for Inge and she wanted to give Samantha a gift as an additional symbol of how much she appreciated their friendship. friends for life? Potentially!

..but Inge was still being true to herself as a couch potato when she walked out of the garage and past these two quarreling guests by the swimming pool to find a tv in a bedroom downstairs...

Two hot dogs on each their bed, watching the gardening channel. The other one on the bed farthest away is Manisha Kapoor.

Samantha remembers the success of her last party and wants to build a bonfire again, however she totally kills the mood there afterwards by bringing out her megaphone to complain...


"Do you have any idea how heavy these logs are! Here I am, breaking my back to create this bonfire for you, so you better enjoy it!"

Oliver Freddy wanted to catch some more fish to do research on, and to use as fertilizer for his garden, so he went over to the Llama Beach to try his luck...


Inge got the brilliant idea that she wanted to challenge Samantha to kiss someone at her party.. In spite of them being very good friends, Samantha had been a little low key about her new relationship. She didn't want the word to spread around to much, since she knew a lot of people would react negatively to this pairing up of a werewolf and a human...

So Inge thought she would be doing Samantha a favour, to give her a push to initiate something that might lead to a relationship somewhere down the road. Samantha didn't want to let Inge down, so she reluctantly agreed as she walked over to Richard Randall, the unsuspecting 'victim'..
Inge made sure to keep a watchful eye in the distance...


Samantha didn't try to hard, and was equally not very disappointed when she got rejected. Now she just hoped that Jacob Salaman didn't get the wrong idea and didn't think that she was actually interested in Richard...


Inge is concerned now that she has made Samantha upset since her idea didn't go as planned, but Samantha is more robust than that, and can assure Inge that it's no problem and that she's doing just fine.


No harm done between the girls, and they're still just as good friends as before. ;)

Soon the sun begins to set and Inge starts to feel tired. After all, she hasn't had anything to drink to energize her for a while, so she walks upstairs to find a bed to nap on. Samantha has already told her that her home is also Inges home, and if any of the other girls try to say anything, Samantha will stand up to her friend.. So Inge can pretty much do what she wants here without consequences and nobody will think of her as a rude guest. ;)

Oliver Freddy was still over by the beach fishing - without having caught a single fish so far when a couple of other girls had come there to sit on the benches and watch the sunset. Can't call it sunbathing at this time of both year and day. ;)


After the sun had set it was getting a little to chilly out to keep fishing for a lowland southern guy like him, so he decided to call it a night and head back to the dorm, still without a single fish..

The exam period was now just around the corner, so Samanthas party didn't excactly take off, and even the host felt the pressure and decided to spend the rest of the evening reading up on the curriculum..

First in her books, then on her laptop while discussing possible exam questions with Inge. Samantha is still an art student, though she didn't have any classes common with Inge this semester. Well, that or she somehow decided to skip them all for some reason...


Back at the dorm Skip Taylor finally decides to share with Oliver Freddy how Jonathan Dirk has an infatuation with his girlfriend.. "He's probably calling her right now to ask her out on a date" he says "..and that can only mean one thing, because nobody really asks anyone out for just a date this late in the evening, if you know what I mean..."

    "I bet it's not the first time, I heard somebody say they've been getting it on a few times even..."


    "What!? That's a lie! Inge would never! Who told you that!?" Oliver Freddy wasn't very appreciative of Skips sharing of 'information'...

"You need to learn to shut up, before you embarass yourself any further.."


"I'm not the one that should be embarassed... loser..."


After a good while of repeating this semesters curriculum a few times over, a buzzing sound of a phone in silent mode came from within Inges.. bread somewhere..

    "Oh darn it... where are the pockets on this thing?"

Somebody was calling her, but who could it be at this hour.... ? She had to get up from her chair and twist around a few times before she could remember the location of the pockets and fetch her phone..

"Oh.... hi Jonathan..."

"Yeah.... no.. I'm over at Samantha's place.. nothing special.."

    Jonathan wonders if Inge would like to go on a date....

"...what? No, Jonathan.. I've already told you..."

"No! That is NOT..! I don't want to hear this Jonathan!"

    "I think I'll just.. go outside and check how that bonfire is doing..." Samantha thought to herself, judging from the conversation that Inge would be more than capable of handling this situation on her own.. that Jonathan sure must be slow! Or just way to persistent...


So.. Samantha went out to feel the warmth of the bonfire one last time.. Nobody else was there as the other girls of the dormitory had already gone to sleep and the few party guests that were attending were all long gone too.. People will probably be more inclined to party hard once their exams are done..

Inge was finding herself right at home in Samantha's house, going downstairs into the basement to take a bath, borrowing both Samanthas shampoo and towels... She was more than welcome to do so, as she was still not labeled as a rude guest. ;)


Afterwards Inge went to take a nap in Samanthas room upstairs, while Samantha was down in the basement also taking a bath before bedtime..


When Inge woke up from her nap and saw that the host had also gone to sleep she figured it was best not to wake her and silently make her way out the door to go home and go to sleep for the night in her own bed..

..but not without sending one last message to Samantha as soon as she came home wishing her good luck on the exam, hoping she would read it first thing when she woke up tomorrow morning... How sweet! ;)


Good night.. ;)

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...