Friday, September 22, 2023

Chapter 5.2 – September 2023 – I'll let you sample my DNA anytime..

Inge woke up an hour before Oliver Freddy this morning, and decided to tiptoe around the different bedrooms – while everyone was still sleeping – to pick up their dirty clothes, and do some laundry..

There was plenty of time to kill with the dorm being so quiet, and since nobody here appeared to have learnt how to do laundry, then why not..?

Oliver Freddy only had time for a quick shower, before he had to run off for his first lecture of the day. As his days this semester usually started much earlier than Inges he didn't have time to do laundry, or much around much..

Autumn came quickly this year. Though they were only in september, the leaves on the trees were already coloured in a bright orange. Quite a cool contrast to the early morning blue sky.

Then the residents of the dorm did something I haven't seen them do before. That is to ride together to their lectures, as both Cody, Jonathan and Liz hitched a ride with him. Have they finally discovered the benefits of going together?


Liz was focused on her lecture in technology. Jonathan had to comment on something in the car smelling awful. "Are you sure that's not you?" Cody retorted before Oliver Freddy got a chance to apologize his car being not excactly brand new..


It looks like Jonathan has switched to medicine after finishig his degree in sports last semester, or maybe he's just taking random classes while looking for a job. His career in athletics doesn't seem to be taking off.

Inge finished her breakfast in solitude this morning, sometimes that's not so bad, and after finishing her breakfast she thought it was a good moment to pick up her books and read something for once.

She reads intently all the way until her lecture starts and she has to run off, just as Oliver Freddy makes it home from his. She's excited to see him (and about the curriculum for this semesters class), but only has time for a quick hello before it's out the door. University life...

She shows up early to her lecture, and starts taking notes immediately. These new theories about painting are so exciting. You can even paint outside the lines, or have no lines at all! She's a seasoned student now, and painting within the lines are for freshmen. Now it's time to throw everything over board and break the rules! It's time to get experimental and creative!

She hasn't forgotten her mission to become more popular though, and is happy that Hanna Germanotta has joined her class and sat down next to her, even though she had a bit of a stand off with her some semester ago when she tried to attend a party at the girls sorority house.. but she's got a foot in the door there now, as she has made friends with Samantha.

Back home.. I mean, at the dorm, Oliver Freddy just came to think about the plants he had planted a good while ago after picking some pine apple off from the pizza he had just ordered (even though he clearly stated no pineapples!). The plants had been horribly neglected, so it was time water them.. "Poor plants.." he thought as he mentally apologized to them for his neglect.. they might not be sentient like humans, but they are a life form too.. and maybe one day they could actually become sentient? Who knows..

After carefully tending to the plants and pulling the weeds (because weeds aren't plants like other plants), he wanted to plant an apple tree.. so it was time to head over to the grocery store and get some seeds.. What combination would work best, cinnamon plant humans, apple tree humans – or watcher forbid – weed humans? More experiments would be required, that was for sure... If he could discover something new, he was sure his aunt Monica and everyoen at the Landgraab facility would be impressed. He wanted to be the first one to prove that plants could in fact become sentient!


While Oliver Freddy is in the store searching the aisles for those apple seeds, news spread around town that Samantha is now in a relationship with some guy called Håvard Horne. Good for her, that there are some men in this world that can look past the differences and appreciate her for the being that she is...


Oliver Freddy returns home from the store to plant the apple seed, hoping that it will grow into a beautiful tree one day – sentient or not.. He spotted Debbie Richards passing by the store as he left. He knows she saw him, because she quickly glanced his way before walking on pretending to not have seen him...well, whatever. He's got more important things to do...


Inges lecture is finished and she's feeling romantic so she has retreated to the bathroom to invite her boyfriend out on a date. It's not necessary to do so as university is much more forgiving than school ever was, but some old habits still linger.... It's hard to forget how she used to hide away in the school bathrooms in between breaks, cramped up in a toilet stall to avoid the bullies... that's why she often keeps her phone on silent, don't make a sound and they will go away...

Oliver Freddy is nonetheless happy about this initiative from his girlfriend. Since the weather was so nice, she wanted to hangout outdoors with him, so she invited him to the Senior Park. She has never been an outdoorsy person, but her conversations with Samantha has made her appreciate it a little more (the tv is still her favourite entertainment, though).

Inge, since she was closer to the location of the lake, got a head start on her way to this date with the man she one day wanted to have babies with..


A thought that occured in her mind with increasing frequency, now that they have passed the halfway mark towards their degrees... if they were to stick to their original plan, she had to keep her desire for children in check, just for a couple more years, but...

Of course, they weren't the only ones that wanted to enjoy some park life on this beautiful autumn day. A certain chill could be felt in the air now though, which made hanging out around the bonfire popular withmost of the park goers. Inge didn't need a bonfire to heat up, though..

It wasn't any less exciting when, after being really affectionate for a good while, he asked her for a DNA sample. Of course, his mind was on the science of it all, as always. If he were to figure out how to fuse plant and human DNA he would need as many DNA samples as possible. He already had Samanthas DNA, which could teach him something about hybrids, though Samantha certainly wasn't a plant. Now he needed a sample from someone that wasn't a hybrid, and who would be more natural to ask than his girlfriend?

That's what he was thinking, but his question made Inges mind wander further into making babies.. It was a little unnerving though, that he would ask this question here, since they were in such a public space..
She looked around nervously for a few seconds and just managed to catch a glimpse of a small hut hidden behind the bushes to her far left.. She hoped that it would be open and not closed, so that they could do it in there...

Even if the small hut was nothing but an outhouse, if that's what he wanted.. right now, sure.. he could get her DNA sample.. anytime now..


However, the DNA sampling didn't turn out quite like she expected when he brought out this machine he directed at her.. "Oh... what is this?"

She could still feel a slight tingly sensation all over as her DNA was extracted by this strange machine.. His science-y stuff was certainly something different! She was a little worried if it was gonna hurt as the beams from his device made their way towards her body, but this way felt kind of good too..

Was this what he was working on? Making babies in the lab...? Was that even possible? Did he have samples of his own DNA too?

"Oh, it worked!" she exclaimed as he stopped his machine to eject a test tube with some light blue liquid. "So that's what my DNA looks like!"

"Not really" he said "taking the test tube from his machine and putting a cap on it, "it's mostly the preserving liquid you're seeing. Your actual DNA is found in the polymers floating around in the liquid."


"..what are you gonna do with these 'polymers' then?" she asked him, while letting her hands slip into his.

"Well.. I'll examine their structure to look for commonalities between different types of DNA, hoping to find a possibility to splice them..." he began.

"How exciting! So.. are you gonna make babies...?" There was no need for her not to say excactly what she was thinking at this point..
"Well... maybe, something like that.. but it's a long way off yet...if it's even possible, I don't know..."


This really piqued her interest. "Let me know if you need more... I'll let you sample my DNA anytime you want... "
This was good news for Oliver Freddy. Easy access to near unlimited amounts of human DNA. Now he just needed to figure out how to extract the same from the plants, and he could, perhaps, begin to do some serious experimentation.. "Making babies.." that was an interesting thought, however, whatever babies he would produce, might not end up being the kind of babies Inge imagined....

After a while Oliver Freddy and Inge felt the chill too, and decided to join the others by the bonfire.

Over by the bonfire was this Paul Biden guy that had noticed Inge last semester when she was out bowling with Jefferey. Five months later and he still felt an attraction to her, but Inge does the only sensible thing and rejects his flowers... there's one that won't be getting any DNA samples, one way or another...



After this Inge thinks it's best to walk away from this guy and the bonfire for a while to continue reading her curriculum, but still facing the bonfire to keep an eye on this guy... and her boyfriend..

After a while, she asks her boyfriend to join her in reading, and in between finishing long winded paragraphs with numerous acronyms and complicated precise academic language that would make even water colours dry faster than you can say horse hair paint brush, she had to inquire him a few more times about those DNA samples and baby making..


Their reading session was interrupted by a party invitation, from Miles Forthright again. Oliver Freddy was really excited that he got it this time, and not his girlfriend. So he hadn't lost popularity in spite of turning into maybe the biggest science geek of everyone on campus. ;)

He took lead and ran off to attend the party, but Inge was quick to catch up with him. It looked like she had picked up a trick or two from hanging out with Samantha to increase her running speed. Useful when you want to hunt down your prey....


A party over at Jefferey Dean and Miles Forthrights house is pretty much routine by now, and Inge doesn't have to search long and hard to find the beer keg. She knows excactly where it is...

..and her good friend Liz Tarry is there on the spot to give her a pair of helping hands. This should kickstart the party! Inge feels she has been a really good student today, and is more than ready to have a good time now! And of course, she remembers how the night ended last time she was here at a party, so there's no reason to hold back on anything, now it's all in.. it wouldn't be to bad if an 'accident' happened before this night was over...

Oliver Freddy was also being helpful as he was in the garage helping Manisha Kapoor have a taste of the beer from another keg too.

For Inge it got even harder to resist the beer keg after she heard a rumour about a challenge from the sports crew about getting super juiced as they called it.. Somewhere in the back of her mind she remembered her moms words and warnings about the drinking, but that was quickly pushed away.. now she wanted to have fun, and what's getting juiced every now and then going to do? People do this all the time, and she's only young once... this was going to be a good, good night..

Oliver Freddy didn't know all the details about Inges mom's history before they moved to Sunset Valley, but had pieced together enough information to know that there had been a bit of a troublesome relation there with the juice..
His mom, though she had certainly had her own issues, usually wouldn't hide away bottles of spirits in the bathroom closet behind the toilet paper rolls... He had accidentally found one of them, when he needed to use the bathroom once when they were still dating as teenagers..


So when he noticed his girlfriend getting a little... funny.. he wanted to have a talk with her, not being judgemental, but gently reminding her to perhaps go easy on the drinking and keeping her focused on their studies – the reason for them being there in the first place - and not going overboard with the partying..

Of course, Inge had 'everything under control', she had been eager and attentive during todays lecture and had already read through the next chapter in the book to be covered tomorrow, so there was no problem here..


No, this was just fine, she could easliy afford to have another beer..

..and another one. The beer didn't really taste much by now, it was like drinking water, but this music was the best thing she had ever heard.. and she felt so at ease, no more was she anxious about being a loser, and no bully would stop her from feeling good and doing excactly what she wanted to do..

Not at all! Oh yeah! Just one more now, and soon this would go down in the history books as a night to not be remembered...

..the bits and pieces that would be remember though, would be remembered as inchoherent moments on a jumbled timeline, yet being hilaroiously funny. She wouldn't know what happened or in what order things happened in next morning from this point on, all she would be left with here was a feeling of having been very elated, just because that's how it was.. What actually happened and what people talked about was all irrelevant... Nothing anyone said made any sense anyway..


Oliver Freddy had eventually left his bubble of science and geekiness to pick up a guitar to entertain everyone at the party, and normally Inge would've been there, watching him starry eyed and mesmerized, but at this point she didn't even register that he was there.. She heard some guitar playing, but in her mind she couldn't tell if the sound came from a guitar or from the stereo.. Everything blended together in a blur, and all that mattered now was getting another beer.. something she somehow still found herself perfectly capable of doing.. Her face now looked blank to everyone else as she took another sip.. It was as if Inge was gone and had been replaced with someone else.. It was just an empty shell standing there, filling itself up with intoxicating liquid...


She has a faint memory of at one point towards the end of the night helping someone to drink from the beer keg, and that it somehow ended badly because she lost balance and couldn't hold him upright. She would like to apologize, but she has no memory of who it was...

Next thing she remembered was feeling overwhelmingly tired, so she walked upstairs to find somewhere to nap. There was a bed in a room.. it just looked so comfortable right now.. whose bed and room this was, didn't matter.. She needed to sleep.. As she lied down on the bed, she was convinced it couldn't be anchored to anything as it felt like it was floating or moving somehow.. but atleast the room was no longer spinning as long as she kept her eyes closed...


She had another memory of talking to some man.. she thought he sounded quite like Oliver Freddy. She thinks she gave him flowers and said she wanted to make babies right there on that bed, but she's not sure if she actually did or not. It would be so terrible if she gave flowers and said that to some stranger that wasn't her boyfriend! She remember this man saying something, but can't remember what he said... but he was pretty to look at, so it was probably Oliver Freddy.. 



Oliver Freddy was not very pleased now with the state of his girlfriend...

"We're going home. Now." he said with a sharp voice..



Whatever was said, it might have been something about going home, so it must have been him taking her there, because her next memory was almost wetting herself in their bedroom..


A short trip to the bathroom to relieve herself confirmed to her that she was indeed back at the dorm, so she walked back up the stairs to their bedroom to find her boyfriend again..


He was sleeping now.. and boy did he look good when he was sleeping! He was such a delight, and she was sure she didn't think so just because she was drunk, no he was really the most beautiful thing she knew.. She thought about waking him up to make babies, right now, but somehow she was sensible enough to let him sleep... probably because in her 'exhausted from being inebriated' state she was dead tired too...


Good night... may the following day be as it will be...

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...