Sunday, June 4, 2023

Chapter 2.3 - March 2022 - Romance...?

In Flames - Wicked Game.

After Sunset Valley, it is time to return to our friends at university. They are both asleep and dreaming about some.. yellow masked super hero or, I don't know what that is supposed to be. ;)

As they are sleeping, I hear a strange rattling sound from out in the hallway. I see Cody Eisenberg (one of their dorm mates) practicing pool with the kitchen machine on the pool table. He was just about to finish when I saw him, because when Inge and Oliver Freddy are asleep, everything runs on fast mode. ;) Even though there are more sims living in this dorm, the pair are the only ones I can have as active sims. The others I have no impact over, I don't even know all of them.

Such as this guy. I guess he lives there, but I have no idea who he is. Hardly relevant, so lets ignore him.. :P

But I know who Liz Tarry is. My sims aren't awake yet, but she is now up for an early breakfast. Hot dogs, what better way to start the day.. hmm?

I guess she is a bit absent minded, because after eating, she walks up the stairs and stops there as if she forgot why she just did so. Then she walks back down again, possibly hoping to remember what plans she had up there. Oh, I recognize that one. You don't have to be a sim, to do that... ;)


Inge is the first of my sims to wake up, pondering about the future of her career. "I'm probably going to need a regular job at first, before I can make a living off of my own writing" she thinks.

Oliver Freddy:
*purr purr* Tonight I dreamt I was a cat. It was wondeful. Sleeping by the fire place all day, and chasing mice at night...

Hahaa hahaa hahaaa.. don't be silly!

Inge has other thoughts on her mind, as well, as she heads downstairs to watch some television. She would like to have children one day. She hasn't discussed this with Oliver Freddy, though. They are still young, with many years ahead of them, and things might change. But so far, their plan is to finish university, and go back to living in Sunset Valley.

Oliver Freddy has a quick breakfast with waffles, not eating at the same table as Daniel Vaughn, before he heads to the computer to study. I believe Daniel Vaughn to be Liz Tarrys love interest, as she sometimes flirts with him.

As Oliver Freddy sits at the computer to study, and Inge walked downstairs after finishing a shower (in the background inside) Liz walked outside in the still cold spring weather in her sleepwear to find that the path is blocked by a bunch of snowmen... but they should hopefully be melting soon.. Daniel Vaughn is outside, drawing a sketch of the still frosty windows.

Liz Tarry gives up trying to go to wherever she was going, and goes inside to play computer games. Inge is also at the computer, preparing for todays lecture. Yup, its boring, but both of them really want an A for this semesters exam, and that doesn't come without working on it...

Daniel Vaughn finishes his sketch outside, and goes to talk to Liz Tarry. She begins flirting with him, and is clearly smitten.

But Daniel, though he appears to enjoy her flirting, doesn't really look to interested, so the feelings probably aren't mutual... "Silly girl, I've got her around my pinky" he thinks...

Then she goes out in the spring rain for a while to look at those snowmen, and well. .just stands there for quite some time... She is definately acting a little absent minded these days.. poor girl... The snowmen are melting.. just like her heart...

After a while, the snowmen melt away completely, and she finally gets dressed... Oliver Freddy is finished studying on the computer, and goes out to talk to her. They discover that both of them have the good trait in common. Oliver Freddy begins to find Liz attractive, and gets one wish to be naked in a swimming pool, and another to bathe naked with Liz...

While Oliver Freddy is outside chatting up one of his roommates, his girlfriend is inside making pancakes.. "I hope not to burn them this time!" Inge says.

"These pancakes actually turned out quite good" Inge says, and they should as she just reached level 4 in the cooking skill.

Oliver Freddy and Liz stand outside talking for a long time until Liz gets a little absent minded again...

Then its time for Oliver Freddy to go to his lecture, and he runs by this contraption. I'm hoping thats where his lecture is, but he just keeps on running. Todays lecture is just a rabbit hole one.

Inge does some more preparing for her lecture. Her academic results so far have not been on par with her boyfriend, so she has a little more work to do.

After studying for a while, she wants to head over to the wall behind the book store to practice graffiti. She still hasn't acquired her first skill point in it, a wish she has had since before the christmas party in Sunset Valley when she was caught red handed by Ranveig, possibly her future mother-in-law, at the rebel hangout... On her way there, she takes her usual short cut through the bushes...

She isn't to far away from her fist skill point, which she gets and her wish is granted.

She is proud of her doing, though I wouldn't excactly call that a work of art, but hey.. its a start.. ;)

Then she runs off to talk about university with Ashley Corono. I don't know who Ashley is, but Inge wants to make more friends, so maybe she will make one here.

Ashley tries to walk away, but Inge follows her to keep talking. :)

Inge keeps talking all the way until she has to go to her lecture. Lizzie Mund comes to listen. Lizzie was the first one Inge talked to on her first semester, but they haven't had much contact so far this semester.

Inge keeps an eye on Ashley as she leaves. She looks to be more interested in talking to Ashley, then Ashley is in talking to her...

Oliver Freddy was practicing chess out in the rain, but I want him to study more, so I send him off to the library. Their exam is coming up in may already...

After her lecture, Inge immediately wants to head home. University grounds aren't looking to bad now that the rain has stopped.

Her face immediately changes to a smile as soon as she is through the door. Feeling better when you can be at home..

She has a wish to make friends with Debbie Richards, so she invites her over, but Debbie isn't interested in showing up. Instead they talk on the phone for a while.

The phone call gives her a wish to give Debbie a friendly hug. As she hangs up, Oliver Freddy comes home from the library, but she only goes to watch tv, whereas he walks around looking at random pictures around the dorm..

For being boyfriend and girlfriend, they aren't really talking much to each other.. They're relationship started off so nicely when they were teenagers in Sunset Valley.. maybe this isn't meant to last, and they are now slowly slipping away from each other...

Inge after this has a wish to play computer games, so she goes to play Sim City on the computer, having plenty of fun building a city only to bombard it with meteors, tornadoes, alien invasion and a pool ladder shattering earthquake...

Oh, thats a bit scary isn't it... We wouldn't want pool ladders to randomly disappear, now, would we? ;) Even a game like Sim City can be a bit wicked, depends how you choose to play it...

After randomly watching pictures for a while, Oliver Freddy gets tired and goes to bed.. in his usual fashion wearing outerwear this time..

Inge follows shortly thereafter, and I'm a little surprised both of them went to bed this early, relatively speaking, but I guess they know that their exam is coming up in a short amount of time, and want to get the correct amount of rest. ;) But as usual, them going to bed also means the end of this update, so.. good night. :P

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...