Thursday, June 22, 2023

Chapter 4.2 - January 2023 - part II – It starts with a bang and ends with a fire.

The moon is still hanging bright in starlight outside when the semester really starts, with Oliver Freddy and Inge in bed dreaming sweet dreams... ;)

Inges fist lecture starts early, so she goes for a quick meal in the kitchen before heading out into the early morning january sun. This semester she will be attending a course called "The development of song 201". Inge isn't excactly a songbird, so she hopes that they won't actually have to sing....

Oliver Freddy goes as usual to troll a few forums before he decides to check out the chemistry table he just received though mail order. ;)

If aunt Monica saw him now, she would be so proud! Even more so his mother Ranveig, of course!

He experiments because he wants to discover an elixir, and he did discover one, but then.. he thought he could experiment a little more with and.. boom.. it exploded right there in his hands, but that's how you learn. ;)

"Hmm... maybe a little less strontium powder next time.... Perhaps I should actually read the chapters about chemistry before doing any more experimenting..."

After Inge is finished with her lecture, she decides to build an igloo while her fellow student Samantha Grey keeps eyeing her in a peculiar manner... Inge could feel she was being stared at, it was almost like a certain glow emanated from Samanthas eyes...

At the same time Oliver Freddy had gone to wash of the smell of smoke and soot all the while succesfully breaking the shower in the process. He had no time to repair it or even call someone to do the job before he had to run off out into the winter snow to his first lecture ("The psychology of geology 201"). It was a nice day and the winds were calm, a perfect day for some of the locals to go for a ride in their hot air balloon. You get such a nice view of the lake and the town from up there. Perfect to survey what everyone is up to and where they're going (solar panels not included...).

Inge was done building her igloo when Samantha approached her to complain about all the boring people that just couldn't get a joke.. Inge listened patiently, before they went on to discuss their favorite cartoons and what they had learnt in class today. Inge was happy they didn't actually have to sing. They only learnt about the history and theory of song...

It looks like Inge had a plan with the igloo building, as she afterwards went inside it to study. Nice one! I didn't know they could do that. ;) Samantha wasn't done ranting about boring people and wanted to bring out her megaphone to let everyone hear it loud and clear excactly how inappropriate she thought it was of people to not laugh at her jokes... She was really angry about it and her voice almost sounded like the barks of an untamed wild animal as she delivered her message, though I don't think anyone actually cared to listen... :P

The release of energy made her calm down a little, so she could focus on her art again, as she sat down hiding amidst the shrubs to make another sketch of the mountains that surrounded the area. Oh, what a dream it would be to roam free amidst the mountains, go for a swim in a small lake that she found. To run through the new days mist and to quench ones thirst from the clear fresh water from a tiny stream flowing gently through the landscape.... back to the meaning of... life!

While Inge was inside the igloo reading, a bit of drama had unfolded on the outside as some unsuccessful flirting had been going on between Marlene Huse (in the blue jacket) and this guy to the right (in the grey jacket) whose name I forgot to take note of.. Nonetheless, Inge didn't have time for any drama as she since yesterday had gotten a wish to throw a juice keg party of her own.. So it was time to go home, get some rest and begin the party preperations...

Inviting people to the party was of course necessary. Inge wanted to become even more popular (and prove to people she wasn't a loser) and as such she wanted to create the best party of everyone on campus this semester. She even dared to invite Jeffrey Dean to the party.. what a sucess it would be if only he showed up..

Oliver Freddy was hungry after his lecture, so he ran past a woman making a snow angel in her swimsuit and over to the cafeteria to get something to eat for lunch...

The barista at the cafeteria was on the ball today and he managed to successfully order a bagel. While he was eating he came to talk to a girl sitting on the couch there reading in her book. He learnt that her name was Karoliiná Onébegajávrre and that she was a freshman student in technology before they had a releatively mundane conversation that revolved around eating and food, naturally, I suppose. He didn't ask her about her last name, but he assumed that she had to be from around here, since her last name had a striking resemblance to the name of the place...

Like his girlfriend Oliver Freddy was also tired from having stayed up a little late at the party yesterday so after finishing his meal he leaves the cafeteria to join his girlfriend napping on the bed..

After having a satisfying nap, its time for Inge to prepare for her party.. The first task is to clean up the kitchen and the dining room, because as usual her room mates have left a mess of dirty plates and rotten food all over the place..

After finishing up the last round of decorations, Inge got hungry and prepared a meal of hot dogs to herself (with some extra servings intended for the guests), and when cleaning up her own plates, the dishwasher broke..

So she had to order someone to repair it, as well as clean up all the water that was now running out all over the floor quickly before the guests would arrive..... and while she was already holding the phone in her hand, she thought she might just order a pizza as well, in case the hot dogs wouldn't be good enough for her guests...

To late! Guests had already began to show up, and were freaking out at the sight of the broken dishwasher...

Oliver Freddy, though he thought the decorations looked nice, didn't want to join party, so he sat down in the tv room that was currently quiet to study in his books. He didn't want to slouch on his studying, because he didn't want to let his mom down by coming home for summer with poor grades...

Inge on the other hand was busy greeting and socializing with the guests just when the door bell rang and the pizza arrived. It was very important for her to make everyone feel welcome at the party, so she had to talk to everyone atleast once.. She didn't want anyone to leave thinking the party was lame (or worse, that she was a loser for arranging a terrible party...)

Oliver Freddy was interrupted in his reading (studius interruptus...) by the doorbell, so he went to pick up the pizza and put it in the kitchen.. but he didn't serve anyone.. he considered going back to studying, but figured that since he was already interrupted he might as well just give a helping hand to those in need...

Inge was happy to see Debbie Richards at the party, whom she met about a year ago from now, right at the start of her second semester. They both share an interest in art, and Debbie, though a professor in business, was also enrolled as an art student for a while back then.

Then it was time to serve the pizza, to make sure everyone had their stomach filled with food, before the party would (hopefully) kick off..

Everyone sat down to eat their pizza and appeared to enjoy themselves, but Inge was still anxious about how this night would go.. She had never arranged a party of this size all on her own before, so she needed to take a time out and go to the bathroom upstairs to get spend a few moments by herself before she could return to the party...

When you've felt like and been told you're a loser for most of your life, I guess that feeling is gonna be hard to shake off, but really.. so far Inges party was going great, and she had no reason to worry...

Even Liz Tarry whom couldn't find a chair for herself because the cups were in the way was really enjoying herself while eating the pizza.. I have never before seen such an orderly group of sims eating together with no one complaining, standing in a line or stomping their feet... Well done Inge, you really should pat yourself on the back for this one! ;) If only every meal and sims party could be like this one!

Only her boyfriend didn't attend the party, as he had gone back to the tv-room to try to study for a while.

Though he gave up after a while and joined the others at the party to dance as the volume of the music for some reason began to increase... Inge had also made it downstairs from the bathroom to enjoy a piece of the pizza too, and though everyone except Oliver Freddy had taken a bite off it, there was still a lot of it left somehow.. (yes, that's the same pizza. She only ordered one.. maybe it's one of those never ending pizzas and they won't have to buy another piece of food for the entire rest of their time there.. :P )

Oliver Freddy wasn't all that much in the spirit for partying though, and sat down to have a word with his girlfriend shortly before he decided to go to bed... He wasn't against Inge throwing a party to have fun, but he was a little miffy about having a juice keg party arranged so early on in the semester...
He wanted to make sure she knew that he would not take any responsibility for how this turned out should something go wrong, and that she would have to bear the burden of cleaning it up afterwards... "And please keep the music volume at a sensible level..."
"Oh.. sure, it was my idea to throw this party. I promise it won't get out of hand..."

Well, so far so good. The party was a good one, but it didn't really take off. After Oliver Freddy went to bed, Inge was approached by Ruby Parks to have another discussion about art, whereas the other party guests found themselves dancing partners and began slow dancing.

It wasn't until the other dormmates came home the party showed signs of a bit of tension, as Skip Taylors first reaction was to walk over to the record player to curse at it, because he wanted to go to sleep. :P

Inge didn't notice him, she was just starting to feel good about her party. Finally she had created a successful social event. If this doesn't increase her popularity on campus, then nothing will.. She already felt that her party had become a success and that nothing could go wrong from here... It was such a blissful moment. :P

She even did a perfectly synchronized cheer with Liz Tarry. ;) This was the best party of the semester so far! :P

A few more of Inges dormmates had come home to join the party and get themselves a meal (in the background Omar Bjørkhaug to the left and Jonathan Dirk to the right) while Inge was slow dancing with Matthew Tellmer. Everything was going great so far, and there were no crazy shenanigans going on...

..or atleast not until these two guys (Jeffrey Dean to the left and Daniel Vaughn to the right) started running naked through the hallways.. :P It wouldn't have been a true party without at minimum one person streaking. ;)

The party began to look like it was spreading out a little more, but the mood was still good. Ruby Parks was playing computer games on her own and Jonathan Dirk was giving Debbie Richards a hand with the juice keg, to the amusement of Liz Tarry. "Let's see how juiced we can get the professor..." ;)

After having slow danced with Matthew Tellmer (and getting her feet stepped on numerous times) Inge eventually got tired and decided to go to bed as well, though that didn't stop the party as there were plenty of guests left still going strong..

Well, the mood was getting a little more tense over by the record player after Inge went to bed as this is where people began to pass out from the juice... only to wake up again to loud music blaring, which resulted in the record player being constantly turned off and then on again, because those that weren't passing out still wanted to dance. :P

Looks like the party had reached its end stage...

A little off balance there perhaps, professor? :P

Maybe Inge should've been awake now to say the party was over, because by the time Ayana Yuki came home (at way past three in the night..) the mood was getting a little tense in the hallway. After everyone had been enjoying repeated rounds to the juice keg their speech wasn't what it used to be, which lead to misunderstandings that eventually turned into petty arguments that noone would remember what was about come tomorrow morning...

"Someone has been throwing a party I see.. well, that's not my responsibility.. I'll just go into the kitchen to prepare myself a meal before going to bed..."

"Oh shoot.. how did it catch fire so fast...? I must have dozed off..."
..this is why the fire department would tell you not to make food when you come home at 3 in the night...!

"Yawn... did you set the alarm, Inge?"
"No.. no, it's the fire alarm! We have to get out!"

Downstairs in the kitchen people had noticed the fire too, and had congregated around it to do the usual panick dance ritual... except this one (Billie Jean Sparks) standing to the left.. "I'm not gonna worry about a fire without finishing my drink first, flarn it!"

..but it's a good thing then that we have a sober and brave man in the dorm to save the day (or night).

I don't know how this happened.. I was just.. I just put it in the oven, and then boom! It was on fire!
Oliver Freddy: Next time do us all a favor and order take away or something..

There were two brave men on the lot as Jeffrey Dean eventually rushed in with a fire extinguisher as well, and together they just managed to put out the fire shortly after the fire fighter had arrived..

The fire fighter didn't scold anyone for it, but atleast he targeted the right person by pointing and laughing at her for being such a lousy cook.. I hope this embarrassing moment teaches her something. ;)

Oliver Freddy and Inge went back to bed shortly thereafter, though it seems it's gonna take more than a burning kitchen to stop the party.. but for now.. I think it's time to say...

... good night. ;)

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...