Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Chapter 4.5 - April 2023: Wildfire.

It's a fine spring morning by the lake between the mountains as Oliver Freddy gets up early for to hurry up and eat his breakfast, before running off for the last activity in medicine before the semester ends... Winter has been banished completely (for now), but the exam period has just begun to walk in circles around the town, waiting to sink its teeth and claws in the mass of students walking around campus to inject its venom of stress and anxiety into their bodies....

Oliver Freddy didn't even have time to finish his breakfast properly before he had to run, which left Inge to eat hers all alone. It wasn't to bad though, because Inge woke up in a good mood today. Pieces were falling into place for her socially finally, and today she felt could be her lucky day.

Oliver Freddy was already out in the morning sun rehearsing the bones of the skeleton with his other fellow students. Hmm, and it looks like Jeffrey Dean have signed up for medicine classes too now. :P

Inge had gone back up to their room to continue her painting. It was certainly an ambitious project to start such a large painting. She was beginning to doubt whether she would be able to finish it before the semester ends, because there were so many things to do.. studying, partying and making friends...

After the activity was over, Oliver Freddy was hungry after not having eaten a proper breakfast, so he went over to talk to Jeffrey. A new restaurant had just opened in town, and he wanted to go check it out.. Jeffrey was probably even more hungry than Oliver Freddy, so asking him to join was not a big issue...
Lizzie Mund stands to the left watching them. Lizzie Mund was Inges fist acquaintance on their first semester as students, and one she wanted to make friends with back then. However, as she was still very new and unfamiliar with both student life and the who, what and wheres of the campus area, she never ran across Lizzie again and so never got to make friends with her. Oliver tried to ask Lizzie to go check out the new restaurant too, but apparently she was on her way to go somewhere and couldn't join them.

So it's only the boys then, and off they run towards the new restaurant. Oliver Freddy thinks Jeffrey is almost acting a little to clingy as they run towards the new restaurant... It's not very far though, as it is just across the street.

The restaurant is called Skogskåtan (The Forest Cot) and focuses on local cuisine which means that deer and mulberries is guaranteed to be on the menu. ;) The restaurant is built to resemble the shape of a local goahti, a type of traditional tent or sometimes wooden construction that has been in use by the deer herders of the area for centuries...

While Jeffrey and Oliver Freddy walked inside the restaurant, Inge was running fast for her activity in art. She was anxious that she was late, as she saw the other students had already started, but it turns out they had just decided to start early...

Jeffrey and Oliver Freddy had ordered each their meal and chosen their seats on the opposite ends of the restaurant.. not to close buddies yet. The restaurant has a cosy atmosphere with a crackling fire place in the middle – perfect to keep warm during the winter months and to create a warm and pleasant atmosphere all year around.

The people of the town are slowly coming over to check out this new, but very traditional, restaurant. While the boys are inside eating, a deep voice is heard from outside. There stands two local gentlemen in a discussion among themselves on whether they should go inside or not. The oldest of them is a little skeptical, but eventually the young one convinces the elder and they walk up the stairs to go inside..

The elder thinks about dining, which is natural, since it is a restaurant, but I don't think they came there to eat. They seem to be more attracted to the fire in the centre of the room, as that is the first thing they apporach. The elder decided to throw something from a test tube into the fire, creating a mystical blue smoke. I don't know what he threw in there if I'm to be perfectly honest. It didn't appear to have much of an effect apart from the visuals.. so far...?

Oliver Freddy and Jeffrey has eventually finished their meal. Oliver Freddy needed to use the bathroom, and the elder of the gentlemen walked up to Jeffrey and introduced himself as Amarok Grey, before Jeffrey contiuned to talk about another movie he had just watched...

Oliver Freddy was finished with his bathroom break and walked over to hang out with Jeffrey. The elder Grey appeared to have a strong fascination for fire as he rooted around in it and added more logs to it to make it grow larger.

What I assume to be the elders son did the same thing, as the elder decided to throw another mysterious test tube into the fire. He clapped with joy as it created a small explosion followed by green smoke and an intense and awful smell filled the room and ingrained itself in every surface and every piece of clothing. Vile!

Oliver Freddy finds it absolutely appaling, and decides to leave the restaurant to run to the gym to take a shower (as he is just a little bit closer to the gym than he is to his dorm). Who are these people and why are they acting in such a foul way to spread this filthy smell inside a newly opened restaurant? Oliver Freddy didn't know and couldn't make sense of their actions, all he knew right now was that he was in dire need of a shower, and quickly.. He felt absolutely filthy, almost to he bone...

At the art students drawing activity Inge was now left drawing alone, as Samantha had taken charge of the rest of the group and relocated them all to make a sketch of the fountain. The sound of water is a soothing sound, just like the small meltwater streams from the mountain glaciers during spring...

Oliver Freddy had been hard at work to improve his skills in science recently, so after showering off the filthy smell of dirt, he sat down on a couch in the gyms locker room to entertain himself with some light reading for a change...

On the grass by the art institute the group that started early was already finished with their drawing exercise, and Samantha begin to tip toe in a circle around the group. She wanted in part to amuse herself and in part show the group that she was their leader and wouldn't be afraid to discipline anyone there by the method of humiliation if it should be necessary..

Debbie Richards hadn't really done anything to deserve being disciplined, but she was the oldest of them, and so Samantha felt it necessary to challenge her position and put her in her place...

Samantha wasn't done using the megaphone. She wanted her voice to be heard as she went on to deliver another rant about hierarchy... the main message being that if you want to rise in rank here, you have to prove your worth!

Inge had heard all the commontion from afar and became curious. Who was this Samantha, and why was she loud? Inge wasn't looking to challenge anyones authority or whatever position they thought they had in the group, she was just curious about this loudmouth and wanted to get to know her better.. what makes this one tick the way she does?

Inge starts the conversation by talking about her favorite music, hoping to learn something about Samantha that way. Eyes are the windows to the soul they say, but figuring out someones taste in music is probably a whole lot more informative – or atleast more tangible, as music often conveys both meaning and mood... Inge learns that Samantha is a big fan of music, in particular that of indie pop and rock – a type of music said to value independence, but that still has a certain group mentality associated with it, as do most cultures and sub-cultures anyway. :P
Inge picks up from Samantha that she kind of feels a little bit like an outsider among most people of the town, a feeling which Inge can understand and relate to. Having a group of friends – something that gives one a sense of belonging somewhere – seems to be important to both of them, though perhaps for somewhat different reasons.

Samantha seems to take a liking to Inge, and thinks they should go fishing one day, after they have finished their exams of course. To be one with nature and to catch their own food... Inge prefers to sit on the couch and watch tv, or atleast doing some kind of indoor activity, but she also wants to make friends, so why not? Maybe one day they'll do that..

Another important thing for Inge is family, so she leads on by talking about her own, her mom and dad and her two younger sisters from back in Sunset Valley. She has hopes that this will make Samantha inclined to share something about her own family, but Samantha seems very secretive there. She mentions that she has a family, but she speaks very vaguely about it, and doesn't say who they are or how many of them there are.

Inge isn't just curious about Samantha. She still wants to make friends with Nicole, so she calls her over to hang out and make a crowd of them.

She is excited that Nicole would come over and runs over to the front entrance to meet her.

Meanwhile Oliver Freddy has finished reading the book and wants to take another course in gardening. As he runs by their dorm he notices a group of horses standing by.. It's definately spring time and with milder weather the animals appear to have emerged from their winter lairs and head into town....
Interesting that Inge and Oliver Freddy are choosing such different parts and have almost switched roles. Oliver Freddy was the most popular one in the beginning, now its Inge doing all the socializing.. Oliver Freddy seems to be here mostly to learn as much as possible.. but then again, he was initially the driving force of them going to university in the first place, so.. I guess it's not to surprising. :P

Inge is now the leader of her group as she stakes out the path for them and runs towards the Grotto to hang out. However, there is trouble as suddenly Nicole declares she finds it boring already and leaves the group...

So then there were two.. Inge concludes after this that she will ditch Nicole completely in favor of Samantha. It turns out they had a little more than just their interest in art in common, and Nicole..? She was just to different from them, with her random impulses and spoiled rich girl background...

So they enter the grotto to discuss art and painting for a while, and right next to them Karoliiná sits on the floor, now working to finish her last programming assignment for the semester. She has to think pretty hard, because this is a big one where she has to combine everything she has learnt so far...

Inge thinks she has found a new friend in her fellow art student Samantha, and asks if they can study together, you know, since she can almost feel the exam staring at them from around the nearest corner... but Samantha declines. Reading books isn't her preferred way of gaining knowledge..
    Samanthas approach is much more practical, it's learning by doing she says. Just like her family has done it through multiple generations.. the old teaches the young by showing how its done, and the young goes out to practice.. That's the most effective way to learn, that's how knowledge sticks according to Samantha.
    "How strange... doesn't she read books? How can you be a university student without reading books?" Inge ponders about it, and it makes her more curious about this Samantha.. She wants to learn more about her, to become good friends with her..

Of course, Samantha isn't entirely wrong, practice is a good way to learn. And practice, that is just what Oliver Freddy has gone to do after his gardening course. Back at their dorm, he now wants to do gardening, so he goes to plant his failed-experiment kona bean as well as the improved herb into the ground to see what will become of them...

Oliver Freddy has now decided his brain can't take in any more knowledge, and goes to watch something pointless for the rest of his time to relax and put him at ease in time for the exam...

Samantha then wants them to play a game of pool. She wants to feel Inge out, to know how she fares in the game to establish the rank inbetween them. Does she have what it takes to guide them, or is she better fit to be a subordinate? And for the record, she really meant it when she said they should go fishing one day....

While the girls are still playing their game, Oliver Freddy has already gone to bed early, before the sun has set. Of course, in the darkest of winter this might not have looked so early, as the sun stays in the sky longer and longer for each day as summer approaches. ;) I'm still with Oliver Freddy on this one, it's important to rest and get enough sleep before your exam, so.. good night to you. :P

As the match between the girls draw closer to its end and it looks like Inge is about to win this one, Samantha gets increasingly adamant about them going fishing. Inge tries to get a word or two in about the things that are most important to her, such as art and family, but Samantha is not letting go of them going fishing.. "So you know how to play pool, but can you catch your own food and then cook it?" Samantha wants to know.. Something tells me Inge will continuously be put to the test here..

The game ends as it must, and Inge ends up winning, though it was a close match as Samantha wasn't to far behind. Inge gets hungry and walks over to the bar to eat, when Karoliiná (who just finished eating by the same bar) walks over to Samantha to lecture her about cleaning, which is kind of.. odd...

It looks like Karoliiná wants to play a game of her own. She changes the topic from cleaning (which made it sound a little bit like she was trying to imply Samanthat doesn't know how to keep things clean...) to garlic.. not as an ingredient in food, but as something to keep in ones home to ward off evil... Samantha is not happy about the way this conversation is going, and wants to talk about something else.

While Inge is over at the bar eating, Samantha wants to talk about the joys of exercise, in particular that of jogging or running outside. "Wouldn't it be a good idea if we could start a runners club or something to go run together? How about every thursday evening at 18?" Samantha suggests, but Karoliiná isn't very interested...

"I prefer to do my exercise alone" she says "I wasn't made to run in packs..."

"Why not?" Samantha asks "Me and my brothers have done that since we were just cu.. umm, since we were just small children.."

"I knew it.. you're one of them, aren't you? You're a greybone!" Karoliinás voice was spiteful as she uttered the last word...

"That's hurtful...". Samantha immediately slouches when she hears what Karoliiná is saying..

"I'm sorry, but I just can't be seen hanging out with greybones..."

"Please don't call us that.. don't call me that.. My name is Samantha...Samantha Grey..."

Greybone... the word felt like a punch in the stomach for Samantha and her usually loud and boisterous voice wasn't much more than a restrained whimper...

"We all do what we've been taught by our own elders..." Samanthas feeling of hurt turned to anger as she went over to the counter to order food.. This wasn't a new thing, her parents have heard just the same, and their parents again. There's always been a feud for as far back as anyone can remember between the people of the town and the Greys of the mountains, with the people being animal herders and the Greys being hunters...

Samantha sat down to eat next to Inge. She seemed friendly and wasn't from around here, and so she probably didn't have a side in this. Samantha was still a little tense and didn't feel much like talking, but sitting next to someone whom she perceived as friendly (atleast for now) made her feel a little bit at ease. Samantha didn't want to fight a war, she just wanted acceptance for herself and her family to live their life on their terms, though in case something should arise she hoped that she had found a new ally in Inge...

Inge didn't know excactly what was going on, but she could tell Samantha wasn't feeling her best for some reason. She didn't like the silence and wanted to lift the mood so she tried to start a conversation about children and family. It made Samantha feel a little better, as she enjoyed this topic too. Family, friendship and cooperation were important values for Samantha and pretty much anyone from the Grey family.
Just like Inge, Samantha also dreamt of raising her own one day, watching them learn and grow...
Hopefully in a world that could be a little more understanding...

It was getting late and Inge felt the need to go home and get some sleep before exam day, but she wanted to hang out with Samantha again at a later time, so as an ending note she suggested they should meet up and have a cup of coffee one day.

Coffee and cake, perhaps. ;) Samantha would agree to this on the condition that they also would go fishing together one day...

Then it was time to finally say goodnight, and it looks like the girls have bonded pretty well, because they say goodbye with a hug, when I was expecting just a wave and a good night. ;)

Well, this is cute, they both look happy to have made a new friend, and so this day ends on a happy note for both of them. ;)

Not so much for everyone though, because in the background while Inge and Samantha were bonding, someone else were fighting.. The aforementioned Paul Biden* had a prolonged and pretty serious argument with Manisha Kapoor where he accused her of cheating on him.. and now he calls her a vegetable... that relationship is probably on a countdown, but atleast Samantha is happy now..

Good night.. hopefully everyones exam will go well. ;)

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...