Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Chapter 2.5 - May 2022 - Part II: Let's get this party started...

 'Let's Get It Started' - The Black Eyed Peas

She feels so good about her exam, she immedately goes to celebrate by being the first to try out the newly bought juice keg...

Inge sits down to watch tv, as Nicole Lawry was the first party guest to arrive. She was invited because Inge wanted to make friends with her last semester, and because she used to live in this dorm. However, she can't have read the invitation properly, unless that is actually her formal wear... well, I'm not complaining. ;)

She walks in to greet Oliver Freddy (who is just about to order some pizza) and he immediately changes to swim wear, as well.. so they're both a bit insane, then I assume... :P Oliver Freddy immediately gets a wish to talk to Nicole.

Other guests invited to the party was Ayana Yuki, Cody Eisenberg and Matthew Tellmer, because they used to live in their dorm and is a friend of many of the people that currently live there.

This appears to be the day where everything breaks, because as Inge gets up from watching tv, well it breaks.. so she calls the repair technician to come fix it.. (Earlier I have already cheat-fixed a broken shower and a sink...)

Alright, now.. let's get ret.. I mean, let's get this party started. ;) Inge has the right idea, to go and turn on some music...

People have already started to enjoy their food and drinks, and conveniently a couple of the guests came in carrying this stereo to put it down in their dining room. ;)

Debbie Richards was of course also invited, because of Inges wish to make friends with her. She still hasn't completed that wish..

And here's an uninvited guest, Jennifer Rockefeller, that immediately upon arrival decides to get naked! What the.. ? Alright... well this could be an interesting party...

Debbie Richards goes to dance with Jonathan Dirk and Inge is really happy about the stereo that was carried in. Now we can have music also downstairs!

Omar Bjørkhaug picked up the pizza that Oliver Freddy had just ordered, and I hear another sound of something breaking somewhere in the house... really? Murphy, get out of here, nobody invited you...

Inge goes outside to light a bonfire, while both Daniel Vaughn (behind the cars to the right) and Jennifer Rockefeller (to the left) runs around streaking... Jennifer the uninvited streaker actually spent the majority of the time the party lasted doing just that...

Oliver Freddy plays tag with Ayana Yuki and Jennifer Rockefeller decided to put on her clothes for a short while to warm herself by the fire, but that was only temporary.. it wasn't long before she would run around in the nude again...

The party kept escalating, and someone had brought in another juice keg and placed it in the hallway. Here is Inge helping Cody Eisenberg with drinking upside down.

And of course, she had to go outside repeatedly during the night to put more logs onto the bonfire. Oliver Freddy was the one inviting to the party, but Inge was the one actually acting more like she was hosting it. ;)

I don't know what happened to him here, honestly, but all of a sudden I found him passed out on the parking lot.. Surely playing tag can't be that exhausting...

And I completely lost count on how many times this scene happened, with Jennifer Rockefeller running naked through the hallway...

As the night progressed, word got around campus that a juice keg, streaking and bonfire party was going down at the de Anda hall, and a few more uninvited guests had arrived and conveniently dropped off a juice keg outside by the bonfire..

Even Debbie Richards the university professor eventually found enjoyment in helping the students to blurrify their vision and turn their minds into temporary porridge..

..but of course, late at night when you're having fun, sometimes accidents happen..

Out in the hallway Oliver Freddy was a bit unfortunate with Ayana as well, something which she didn't like very much..

And then I hear a remark about "someone dressing like a harlot" from inside the dining room, followed by the sound of hands to a face...

Ouch.. Then finally Inge goes around to make funny faces and talk to Debbie for a while, but its not enough for them to become friends, though.

The party continues on through the night, and eventually an increasing amount of attendees begin to pass out...

I'm impressed by Inge still standing upright and repeatedly going for the juice keg and putting more logs to the fire... and I think Nicole Lawry is equally impressed as she cheers her on. ;)

So Nicole decides to be a good friend, of course, and help Inge to get a little more juiced, and there is that streaker in the background again...

As Oliver Freddy finds himself inside in an argument with Cody Eisenberg over something completely trivial that seemed really big right then and there and that none of them will remember what was about by tomorrow morning anyway, he gets a phone call...

It was from the police.... People have started to call in complaining about the party, and they are now on their way, so he better shut it down... and of course, Jennifer the streaker just had to show up...

Inge was outside, and just told a funny story to Walter Fullman and immediately became attracted to him as he started laughing, but I think its just the juice working...

After this funny story and feeling pretty juiced Inge decides to go to bed, just in time before the police arrives...

And downstairs the mayhem is still going on, with naked people running around and people passing out left and right... Its just to bad sims can't take some of the couches to run down the stairs as well... ;)

University professor is still going strong, and the police is now pretty much right at the doorstep...

But the police woman runs straight past Oliver Freddy, which techincally should be the one to blame for this ruckus, and runs straight for Omar Bjørkhaug, that also was seen outside streaking..

She boos and shouts at Jennifer as she runs up the stairs, saying she will come down and talk to her next...

Omar and Jennifer sure got it, but Oliver Freddy was let off pretty easy as he managed to sneak by the police officer and find his way into bed..

So it's good night.. ;) Well, atleast for our friends Inge and Oliver Freddy.. downstairs, even if the police woman had confiscated the juice kegs and told the remaining guests they had to shut it down, it hadn't quieted down just yet, with both Jennifer and Omar still streaking, and Debbie the university professor was really enjoying the sight of naked young meat....

..after which Debbie went upstairs and wanted to sleep in the same bed as Ayana Yuki, but that bed was taken, so she passed out on the floor instead...

What a party this was...

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...