Thursday, June 22, 2023

Chapter 4.1 - January 2023 - Full moon love II

The video for the music track mentioned below is out there on youtube, but it looks like it's blocked from being embedded on here, so I can only give the link.

Mari Boine - Gumppet Holvot (The wolves howl) (opens in new window).
Lyrics translated to english (taken from the artists web page):

I live, live from day to day
live from day to day
I wait and see
I wait and see
what comes next
I wait and see
what you are planning
I live, live from day to day

I talk, talk and talk
Saying the same things
again and again
repeat and repeat
repeat and repeat

And the wolves howl
as they always have
and always will
> and always will
as they always have
and always will

I wait and see
what are you plotting now
wait and see
what are you scheming
I live, live from day to day

I talk, talk and talk
saying the same thing
again and again
chewing and chewing
the same words

While the wolves howl
as they always have
Always will

"Bye bye brother.. see you again in summer...then we'll go fishing together.. you know I didn't really mean it when I said you were weird..."


The journey takes them east, and then north to the small on the shores of Lake Onebega between the Appaloosian mountains to the west and the smaller Nimíipuu mountain range to the east.

Back to old grounds, and Oliver Freddy already wants to go on a date with Inge.. Inge is looking forward to returning to her art studies..

She just has to stop and show off with a wrench for a while.. Climbing the ranks of the social groups have given her a bit of a confidence boost and made her more confident about her inborn handiness skill. ;)

"See what I can do! I'm not a loser!"

Then after a while some of their other room-mates also return, from top left to bottom right: Jonathan Dirk (will he still have a crush on Inge?), Skip Taylor, Daniel Vaughn, Cody Eisenberg and Ayana Yuki.

Jonathan Dirk finds Oliver Freddy to talk about his expectations for the upcoming semester and studying, while Inge repeatedly engages Skip Taylor in the university slogan dance.

Inge goes outside to do something that, atleast up until now, have been pretty uncharacteristic of her, but something that her boyfriend has done several times.. to go dumpster diving. There are some hints of personal growth in her since her first semester at university.. Or atleast changes, because maybe dumpster diving can't excactly be filed under personal growth.. but she is being more courageous and dares to do things she previously didn't, and getting dirty in a dumpster is one of those things.. No more is she the shy and timid freshman that would cry over her own burnt waffles in the morning!

Well, mostly...

Oliver Freddy was inside reading a copy of Inges first published novel, "A miner's heart". A story of a copper mine in the far northern mountains, and a young hard headed miner falling in love with one of the entertainers working at one of the gambling houses downtown...

Then it was time for them to head for the information meeting at the Student Union to pick up the books they would need for this semester..

Their first lecture isn't until tomorrow, so after having picked up their stuff, Inge goes to play on the arcade machines. Oliver Freddy wants to put some scientific data into context, so heads over to the institute of the technology to have a talk with the professors there.

The professors weren't to happy about the data he brought as they weren't relevant for their ongoing research project on the effects of woohoo on the brain (Seriously... that's what the pop-up said..:P) so they only rewarded him 21 simoleons for the effort.

Well, Oliver wasn't in it for the money, so that didn't faze him much, he was much more disappointed about not having the correct data – again... but since he learnt about their research project he got an idea. He already wanted to take Inge out on a date, but now he wanted to take it a step further.. also since he knew there would be a full moon out tonight. He thought he could already hear the wolves howling from the distant mountain tops.. he sends a message to his girlfriend, suggesting that they meet up at the coffee shop for some hot drinks, wink wink nudge nudge. :P

So they meet up at the café and Oliver Freddy being blessed with the inappropriate trait that stems from his grandpa doesn't shy away from giving flirtatious comments about getting their hair wet and skinny dipping in the lake.. yep, that's what he said... but it's a little to cold for that this early in the season, maybe, so they launch into the university cheer dance before they continue to talk about just that, the cold and the snow and end it with a passionate kiss. ;)

They head on over to the counter to order their coffee and tea, but it looks like the barista is in a weird mood or could do with some training, because she just walks away from the cash register to stand awkwardly at the other end... so they give up on ordering and Cora Sidwell moves over and wants to dance with Oliver Freddy. Inge is not to keen on that, so she gets inbetween them to introduce herself to this lady in pink clothes and hideous make-up... After this the barista seems to have gotten the idea to do what she is supposedly paid for and go stand by the cash register.. "..did these guys just want to order something...?"
Oliver Freddy entertains the girls by retelling a funny story he heard from his aunt Monica about a failed fishing experiment she did once in the small pond behind the Landgraab Research Facility in Sunset Valley. Cora laughs a little nervously while gauging Inges reaction.. "Hmm, are they a couple or..? Maybe I shouldn't have interfered..."

With the barista taking her job seriously for a moment they seize the opportunity to buy themselves some lunch, before sitting down and discussing the upcoming semester. Oliver Freddy wants to do an inkblot test on Inge again, as a purely scientific experiment of course, to see if she's got woohoo on her mind too... Not quite, as her associations were more in the line of asking to increase the royalty she gets from her publisher, dumspter diving and cooking breakfast. However, she does a bit of flirting too, before they move on to talk about the snow and cold weather again.. It always takes a while for them to adjust to the lower temperatures of the mountains after having migrated north from Sunset Valley. They discuss the weather for a while, when blam – suddenly the bathroom door behind them slams open and out comes a naked woman..

Its Jennifer Rockefeller of course. Who else? I don't know what to say about this anymore.. she has become more or less a naked running 'gag' of campus life.. it almost isn't funny anymore... :P But I'll give her that, this entrance was probably one of the best ones she ever did. It totally caught me by surprise that's for sure.. Inge and Oliver Freddy are totally unphazed, though.. Everybody must know about her streaking antics by now as nobody bats an eye.. Jennifer Rockefeller running around with nothing on is perfectly normal around here, it's what you should expect...

Though Inge seemed unaffected by the naked running woman, she jumped a little when she received a message on her phone... Unsure if the message would be a positive or a negative one, she went towards the corner to read it in privacy.. She shouted of joy when she saw that it was a party invitation from Jeffrey Dean – the same guy that mocked her and called her a loser during her freshman year.. The more self assured Inge was definately seeing an increased popularity among her peers. Now it wasn't just Oliver Freddy that got the party invitations, she got them too!

She wouldn't go to the party without her boyfriend, of course not. Like he always took her with him to the parties he was invited to, she would of course do the same. So off they went, past the ever nude Jennifer Rockefeller, now dancing next to the cafeteria counter. Oliver Freddy did his best to look away when they had to walk past Jennifer, but Inge thought it was hilarious and was excited about it. "Did you see that!?" she said when they left the cafeteria to get into his car and drive to Jeffreys party.

Inge immediately sat down to work on another sketch for a future painting, while Oliver Freddy did his best to make sure the other party guests (and the host) did their rounds on the juice keg, by far the most popular item at this party...

Inge had gone down into the basement and found the ping pong table where she played a match with Daniel Vaughn. Both her and Oliver Freddy was being sensible and staying away from the juice this early in the semester..

Oliver Freddy had gone out into the garage to see what was there. Looking up at the sky on his way, he got the idea to ask Inge to watch the stars (and the moon..)..

So he walked back inside to look for Inge. He couldn't find her anywhere in the rooms on the first floor, but someone had seen her go downstairs where he found her in the bathroom..

Of course Inge said she would be more than happy to watch the stars with him, so happily he walked back up the stairs to go outside. ;) Unfortunately though, Inge got a little anxious at all the people that had congregated on top of the stairs in the meantime, impatiently tapping their foot and waiting for their turn to go to the juice keg. It reminded her a little to much of her junior high school days when she would sometimes hide in a toilet stall during breaks to avoid getting bullied by some of the older pupils... so all Oliver Freddy got to do was to stand outside waiting in the cold..

When the passage had cleared and she finally made it out there, it was Oliver Freddys turn to use the bathroom.. She apologized to him for being late and said she got anxious again. Oliver Freddy understood, he knew what it was like to get anxious from time to time, though for completely different reasons. Strangely enough, perhaps, he had avoided getting bullied when he was in school, as everyone thought of him as pretty strong and brave. His father is the towns prison warden after, all, but what nobody knew back then was that he carried another secret.. Just like his mother Ranveig, his aunt Monica and eventually his younger cousin Lise Veronica, he would begin to sometimes hear voices..

It started out when he was a child, and they were pretty mild at first, just 'ordinary' commands.. "Look at that flower!".. "Look at that painting!".."Go sit in that chair!", but as he got older they got gradually worse... "Did you hear that painting? It's talking to you!"... "The painting hates you!".. and so on. The voices could sometimes be really nasty and eventually started to use all kinds of foul language... Walking though the hallways to get to class could sometimes be a nightmare with the voices blending in with the chatter from everyone else he was passing on the way... it took a lot of strength to keep a straight face and pretend nothing was happening...

People always said about him that he was brave and determined.... if only they knew.. and it was this bravery, among other things, that piqued Inges interest, how he just waded through the crowds of the hallways like it was, apparently, nothing.. and finally, after watching him from a distance from her seat in the school bus, she finally found the courage to send him a text message when she got home to ask him on a date.. and the rest you, perhaps, already know.. ;)

So... with her boyfriend using the bathroom, Inge walked up to a room on the second floor to watch her favorite channel on tv, the cooking channel...

Toilet visits could sometimes be related to setbacks for both of them, but Oliver Freddy hadn't given up on his thought of romance under the moonlight. He had to go for it tonight. ;) He thought as well that it would probably be good for Inge to pull herself away from the tv every once in a while, so he found her in the bedroom upstairs and turned on his charm to the maximum level to woo her before they would go home.. Well, that was his original idea, but seeing how well it worked, why not make an even more daring suggestion...

Inge was taken aback by what he just said, but oh so exciting.. Of course, it made her a little nervous too, and before she could fully commit, she had to get some emotions out of the way.. She had never done this before.. what if someone found out and walked in on them? What would they say? What would they think?

..but she trusted her boyfriend and followed him to another bedroom next door... besides, she thought that everyone downstairs were probably still to preoccupied with the juice keg to walk upstairs and notice.. right..?

Well, it's now or never... ;)

"You ready?"

Laughter, applause and bed noises. :P

Love and magic happened that night as the moon hang shining bright high up in the sky..

"...and you only wanted to hold hands, didn't you...?" / "...why do I keep thinking about garden gnomes....?"
Oh my, looks like they did it with the door open.. someone must have heard that...

Yup, I think this guy that showed up shortly afterwards knows what just happened. ;)

Inspired by the act or whatever it was, the random guy that almost walked in on them walks down the stairs and decides to run around streaking.. while Oliver Freddy and Inge sit down together on a couch just outside the room..
Inge is getting a little anxious again now, and thinks its time they head back home before more people notice.. besides, her first lecture starts early tomorrow morning, and she wants to make sure she gets enough sleep. Oliver Freddy agrees, they want to be good, sensible students.. and it's only the beginning of the semester... they can hopefully do some more wild partying once they have finished their exams before summer.. and what they already did was pretty wild anyway..

So they get into his car and drive back home to their dorm under the beautiful night sky to find their own bed and go to sleep...

Good night and see you again tomorrow! ;)

Previous (Sunset Valley) | Previous (Lake Onebega) | Next

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...