Saturday, June 24, 2023

Chapter 4.4 - March 2023 - Everybody loves Inge?

Snow is falling again over the lake and the valley between the mountains as the calendar marks the entrance of spring, the second season of the year.. Winter always has to try to get the last word in before it can finally give up..

Inge is really happy when she wakes up this morning. Life couldn't have been better, as her mission to become more popular is going according to plan. ;)

Oliver Freddy is a little grumpy about all the filthy clothes that always seem to accumulate on the lot, so he walks around to collect them and use the washing machine that he finally thought about ordering..

He had similar thoughts last semester, which led him to order a tumble drier. Sims logic is sometimes a little backwards, because they always want to buy the tumble drier first, before they figure out that a washing machine might also be useful... but as always, their wish is my command. ;)

Inge still feels that Jonathan Dirk is attractive, but is clever enough to not make a move on him. She makes sure to mention the date she had with Oliver Freddy earlier by the breakfast table, just to make sure, before she goes to her lecture as usual.

Likewise Oliver Freddy was off to the Student Union after having entertained himself for a while watching the action channel. He was now going to try out some of the things he learned from yestermonths evening course to get a feel for how things worked in practice (and perhaps make some new amazing scientific breakthroughs).

The first thing he tried was a radiation experiment on a poor unknowing beetle he had found in the dumpster by the parking lot. The experiment ended up being successful and he had made a new and improved version of the beetle, but it wasn't enough to to reach the next level of scientific skill..

More experimenting was needed, and the next item on the list to be drowned in radiation of various kinds was a peppermint herb.

The herb experiment was succesful too, but it still wasn't enough to grant him the skill point, so he took a break from the radiation experiments for a while and went upstairs to do some reading..

After Inge is done with her lecture, she calls up Jeffrey Dean and Ruby Parks to meet up at the bowling alley. Inge still isn't done with Jeffrey Dean as she wants to become one of his best friends. In addition she has also set her sights on Ruby Parks whom she met at her own party from back in january, and wants to become good friends with her. Though its still snowing out, it feels like the sun is finally shining on Inge as she runs over to meet both of them. Lets just hope that the leaves on the trees didn't spring out to early and that winter is in fact soon over. :P

For some reason or other, they had agreed to meet up in the backyard of the bowling alley, as per Jeffreys suggestion. Inge thought that was a little peculiar, but was still happy to meet them... unfortunately, Ruby thought of something just as Inge arrived and excused herself to Jeffrey, saying she had some important business to do...

That left only Jeffrey and Inge to hang out. Jeffrey starts off the conversation by talking about the latest movie to hit the cinemas, "The fall of the moon", a fantasy-action movie about a university professor (who was imprisoned for murdering his own parents) that escapes prison with a plan to make the Simtopian planet and its moon collide and open up a portal that will unleash an army of beasts from a different world to conquer the planet and make him the supreme ruler.. of course.. :P

Inge invites him in to go bowling and they have a pretty good time doing so, even though Jeffrey appears to be a bit of a sore loser booing at Inge for outperforming him with the ball and pins. ;)

Inges bowling skills are noticed by more than just Jeffrey as this guy called Paul Biden that has been watching them from a corner for a while admits to wanting to get to know her better...

Aside from a brief reply Inge doesn't pay him much attention and continues with her bowling, but the guy is still standing there and it's pretty obvious what he has on his mind.. :P

Then suddenly Karoliiná, the technology student Oliver Freddy briefly met at the cafeteria earlier, shows up and walks right inbtetween them as if to say hello on her way to the furthermost bowling lane. Well, hi there. :P

Inge and Jeffrey finish their bowling session and sit down on a nearby table to watch the shopping channel of all things...

Karoliiná interrupts her bowling game to walk over to talk to Jeffrey as well, a little to Inges annoyance, when another guy Nicolas Albright, has entered the bowling alley and has to shout out that he finds Inge interesting as well.. but she is taken, and has no desire to get to know this one better either..

Eventually Karoliiná goes back to bowling on her own again and the gentlemen that fancy Inge have all left the building, so she gets Jeffrey for herself with no interruptions, which is enough to finally become best buddies with Jeffrey. This has to be celebrated with taking a selfie of them both.. this one goes into the trophy album. ;)

When that mission is complete, she has no need for Jeffrey anymore and goes back to bowling alongside Karoliiná and Ye Gangnam. Their bowling was almost synchronized, which was pretty cool to watch. ;)

Oliver Freddy has finished reading and has gone home to eat his favorite meal for dinner..

After Inge is done bowling, she randomly gets the idea to go home and light a bonfire, because fire is cool I suppose, as long as it's kept out of the kitchen area...

Oliver Freddy and Inge has a harder time with their sleep scheduals this semester, often needing to nap in the middle of the day..

I'm not gonna sit and watch them napping, so I take a look around to see who else is out and about and I find Samantha Grey walking by the Championship Lake to sit down on the grass to make a sketch of the view and the scenery.

Samantha is a fellow art student of Inge, and that's pretty much the only thing they have in common. :P

A couple of stone throws away Karoliiná has found Jeffrey to complain about the woes of student life. As a student in technology she found it a little hard to wrap her head around the latest programming assignment from her professor..

Should the if loop go inside the for loop, or was it the other way around? Jeffrey, of course, haven't got a clue about programming.. that's for nerds.. but he still listens, and Karoliiná is satisfied just to have let off some steam. :P

Samantha joins them after finishing her sketch. She brings along her sense of humor and it turns into a group conversation where they repeatedly make fun of their silly professors. Poking fun and laughing at things is another way to let off steam. :P

Karoliiná then singles out Samantha and the conversation turns into one about the park, nature and outdoor living. Interestingly, Karoliiná refuses to address Samantha by her first name, and repeatedly only refers to her as Grey for some reason. Like that's all she is.. she's not Samantha, she's just... Grey.

She finds it a little bit hurtful that she won't use her first name, even though she is a Grey, and the girls end up walking seperate ways. Samantha walks off to enjoy a picnic on the grass and Karoliiná decides to return to her books to read more about those loops and how to structure her code for the programming assignment...

At the de Anda hall Inge just woke up from her nap, hungry but optimistic, and thought she could hit five birds with one stone... so she decided to call Ruby Parks again, and invite her over to eat at Simburger along with Liz Tarry, Nicole Lawry and Debbie Richards. Everyone agreed to come over except Debbie who just said no without really giving any explanation...

Oh well, so only four birds then, with the hunger being the fourth bird. ;)

Inge drives over and meet the girls there. Ruby initiates the conversation and decides the topic to be about computers while they wait for Nicole that seem to be a few minutes late. When Nicole eventually arrives, she is a little shy to approach the other girls and stands waiting by the sidewalk for a while, until Inge calls her over to join the conversation.

Oliver Freddy has gone back to the Student Union to do another experiment, this time on some kona beans.

Back outside Simburger the girls are ready to go eat. Ruby decided to change her outfit to something nicer, because nothing says fine dining like a fast food joint. ;) Nicole was getting impatient from the waiting and decided to go for a fly as an appetizer..
Liz: Nicole... what are you doing? I don't think that's what they meant when they said we might have to get used to eating bugs in the future...

Ruby (thinking): I'll just.. uh, let them go ahead.. do I really want to know these people? I'm not sure...

The others went into the restaurant to order their food, but Nicole was pulled away from her tracks by Abigail Kaya, a student in communication that wanted to interview her about her thoughts on whether students get enough financial aid to be full time students or not. A case that has been continiuosly debated almost for as far back as anyone can remember... Nicole didn't really see the problem, since she came from a wealthy family that had no problems giving her all the support she needed...

Abigail was provoked by Nicoles answers and decided to rant against wealthy people as Nicole went inside to eat. She may be privileged, but privilege doesn't appear to come with an understanding of the best outfit to wear.. somehow in Nicoles mind eating burgers with friends means you should put on swimwear.. Looks like she has something in common with Oliver Freddy there..

Speaking of Oliver Freddy, he was still at the Student Union doing research. His kona bean experiment had failed, so he tried to experiment with some minerals he had instead. The last experiment was much more successful again.. thought it seems learning science takes time. A lot of time, because even so, he still hadn't gone up one skill point..

Over at Simburger the girls (except Nicole) had finished eating, and had now gathered in the backyard again by the dumpster... They were all getting a little tired, because all they were talking about now were beds...

Liz missed her own bed so much, she didn't even have time to wait for Nicole to finish eating before running home.. and when Nicole eventually joined them outside, that's all she could talk about, too. :P

After reaching her goal of becoming friends with Ruby, Inge eventually took the hint of all this talk about beds and decided to tell the girls good night and split the friend group to go home. ;)

After she came home, Inge thought about Nicole for a while before she went to bed. Nicole was a little special, for sure, but she still thought it might be a good idea to have her among her friends as well...

Oliver Freddy was still at the Student Union hard at work reading through his books to try to understand what went wrong with the Kona bean experiment..

He probably could have stayed up all night reading, but as he isn't immune to needing sleep at one point reading, no matter how focused, becomes useless and it's time to go home and hit the sack...

Good night. ;)

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...