Friday, June 23, 2023

Chapter 4.3 – February 2023 - Whichever one you feed...

Oliver Freddy and Inge had gone to bed now for the second time after the fire in the kitchen, but downstairs the party was in no way over...
Someone had called the police, and they appeared to show up strong with two units. However, only one of the officers actually left their car, and I think he was pretty ineffective at his job..

..because all he did was find Jonathan Dirk who just so happened to be outside this very moment and give him a scolding, before turning around and running back to his police car.
He didn't even go inside the house to stop the party and confiscate the juice keg and record player, like they did last time there was a party at the De Anda Hall.. but I guess not every police officer can be a good police officer, or something. :P

Nobody inside had even registered that the police had been on the lot and continued their partying like nothing had happened. It was only Jonathan Dirk now who desperately tried to keep things orderly by cleaning up the clothes strewn all over the place by the streakers running around...

The party lasted literally until early morning when Oliver Freddy and Inge got out of bed to eat breakfast..

Oliver Freddy wasn't at all happy about the mess of the dining area, and told his girlfriend he would not take any responsibility when it came to cleaning up the mess as he had to leave for his lecture..

Shortly after Oliver Freddy had left to go to his lecture another police car came screeching around the corner with full sirens on. This police officer actually made it into the house, however, he wasn't particularly effective in shutting the party down as nobody took him seriously and the police officer ended up being reprimanded by Omar, one of their dorm mates, instead...

The party didn't end until Inge herself figured out she had to take the rounds and tell the more or less clothed guests to pack it up and head back home before she could begin to clean up the mess they had left behind..

Afterwards she sat down on the couch, her favorite piece of furniture, to watch the cooking channel again when she was joined by Jonathan Dirk.
    However, he wasn't flirtatious this time, but rather a little tense.. he wasn't to happy about the mess created from the party, and made sure Inge got to hear about how he had helped to clean up some of it just the night before...

Oliver Freddy attending his morning lecture wasn't feeling to much better, after having slept poorly due to the loud music from downstairs, in addition to waking up to the fire alarm going off..

Inge found it best to leave Dirk behind for a while to continue the painting of the sunset she saw last semester, while she still had it in memory, before going to her own lecture a little later.

Just gotta have a quick cup of coffee first to try to keep awake..

..and off to her lecture as soon as Oliver Freddy came home from his. No time to talk, gotta go! (..but atleast she had cleaned up the place some, as well as she could..)

On the way home Oliver Freddy had stopped by the post office to pick up yet a couple more things he had ordered through mail. A small table and a fish bowl, because he wanted to do some research on an anchovy he had brought with him from Sunset Valley..
    His interest in fishing and science comes from his aunt Monica, and what's exciting for him is that he has a bigger toolbox available to do examine things than what his aunt had in her younger days.. His mother Ranveig didn't care about this, she was more interested in the chess table and digging through trash..

He got his sample to examine later, while Inge was enjoying her lecture in art following yesterdays party...

Oliver Freddy went back to the chemistry table to discover another elixir, but was unsuccessful this time, but on the bright side, there were no explosions either. :P After he had been standing there for a good while mixing various substances, something started smelling pretty bad.. at first he thought it was something he had mixed together, but eventually he recognized the smell of filthy clothes..
All of the streakers from yesterday had left behind a good pile that had to be cleaned up...

His dormmates had tried to clean them up, but since the dorm didn't come with a washing machine, all they could do was collect them in a pile and drop them in the hallway.. so Oliver Freddy had to take them to the Findeisen laundromat to have them cleaned (or just to get rid of them). :P


Meanwhile Inge was running with an elated mood from her lecture, because Jeffrey Dean had just sent her a party invitation! He had enjoyed the yesterdays party so much, and wanted her to come over to his house for a bonfire party! Finally she was one of the cool people! Oh happy day! :P Just don't forget to study, Inge...

It looks like Jeffrey had decided to host his party in the garage, because that's where everyone had gathered. Inge quickly found him to celebrate them being university students and hoping that maybe she could become best friends with him..

She wouldn't let incompatible traits stop her, though she was starting to feel a little tired from not having slept enough, so she thought this was a good moment to go for a nap on the couch in his living room..
Liz really wanted to talk to him to, so she could have her turn for a while..

At the laundromat Oliver Freddy was getting hungry so he tried to buy a chocolate from one of the vending machines, but it wasn't cooperating with him, so he thought he could use his brave muscle power and ram it! That oughtta teach it a lesson! ;)

Victory! Now time to eat...

Outside there was a sign of spring approaching as the snow was melting, and for the first time the young cubs of the mountains would feel the grass under their paws... running wild, running free and tumbling about in playful fighting among themselves...

Inges sleeping on the couch at the party was unpopular by Jeffrey, and he 'thanked' her for making his party lame.. but first, food..

Luckily, Jeffreys party guests have brought plenty of dishes. There's even a stuffed turkey on the counter, the perfect spring meal. ;) However, Inge settles with the spaghetti, it's much simpler and quicker to eat...
She sits down with Mahmoud Yavari, who just finished eating his salad, where she tells him about her dreams of being a writer.. Inge has quite an imagination, the place she would escape to when she felt misunderstood by the rest of the world (and when she came home from school and her mother smelled like alcohol..).

She has plenty of stories in her head, and would love to put them down on paper along with her own drawn or painted illustrations.. Stories in rich and colourful worlds where fantasy meets reality; fluffy on the surface, but always with a certain undertow like pedal tones to an orchestral arrangement.. sometimes playing in harmony, other times creating dissonance... and sometimes you have to do dishes and house chores, while others are drinking...

Back at the laundromat, Oliver Freddy had been waiting in vain for the tumble drier to finish.. It should have stopped several minutes ago, but was still running. He put his book down and went over it, turning on every knob and pushing every button, but nothing happened.. Of course not, this was a tumble drier of the Buügfest variety, they were known for sometimes just malfunctioning like that...

Well, it wasn't his clothes anyway, so who cares.. a little grumpily though, he leaves the laundromat to watch the cool winter sun hang low over the lake... It does look nice around here sometimes, and he quickly forgets about the clothes before he heads over to the Science building to attend one of the evening classes in scientific research.


Inge feels guilty for upsetting Jeffrey by sleeping on his couch and walks over to apologize. She didn't mean to make his party boring, she just had to rest... Jeffrey is nice and accepts her apology.

Then she decides to try out the juice on his keg. It's a party after all, and she has noticed that the juice has the desirable effect of calming her mind and resolving the stress and anxiety she often feels in herself.. just one drink, it can't hurt.. right?

Oliver Freddy had just exited from the evening course in research, and though he had gotten some deeper insight into scientific methods, he hadn't gotten the skill point increase he was aiming for.. Some more practice would be needed to obtain that one.. but he thought it was enough science for now, and walked over to a nearby chess table to improve his strategic thinking instead..

Inge was still going for her target to make friends with Jeffrey. Her body movements were clearly getting a little more animated as she told Jeffrey the story of the kitchen burning just last night (even though he was there too, and even helped put out the fire..)

As another friendly gesture, she wanted to give him a gift, so she handed him the trick ball she had in her inventory. Jeffrey misunderstood the intent of the gift as a little while later (after they had gossiped about Harold Assange, hence the speech bubble), he blew a kiss at Inge...

She didn't want to light this fire, she already had a boyfriend and was only there to make friends to increase her own popularity.. luckily Miles Forthright was outside with them, so she could turn it into a group conversation...

Inge was still Inge and couldn't do to much socializing all at once, so she had to go inside to take a break and watch the cooking channel for a while..

..before she could continue her mission and have a pretty lengthy conversation (and cracking jokes as best as she could) with Jeffrey by the juice keg. ;)

Before she helped him to get a drink..

They became friends by the end of the night, so Inge was halfway on her mission to become best friends with Jeffrey, but.. then she thought about her grades and her boyfriend. There are always choices to make, and she didn't want to come home stumbling to late in the night, so it was time to go home and get some sleep..

Oliver Freddy had made it home too, and was upstairs sharing jokes and discussing the university with Daniel Vaughn before going to bed..

"Yaawn.. ". Inges recently increased social standing have given her the opportunity to arrange bonfre parties, and maybe her next party will be of this variety.. but now it's bedtime once more..

..time to join her boyfriend, dreaming about fighting difficult tumble driers and noncooperative vending machines... the winter season is approaching it's end, the fields have become green and the winds of spring are soon here to sweep across the landscape... good night. ;)

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...