Friday, June 16, 2023

Chapter 3.4 - November 2022 – My coffee is but a drop of fuel for science and painting..

Oliver Freddy and Inge are sleeping safe and sound this night, after having returned from the party last month over at Debbie Richards' house..

Inge is the first of them to wake up to immediately think about painting, bless her artistic soul. ;) After she has gone downstairs for a shower, she gets a wish to paint a painting worth atleast 150 simoleons, so I direct her back to the easel to paint a big one. Well, that, and because it improves her academic score, which is already very good. ;)

"With such a big canvas, I feel inspired to paint the lake and the mountains" she says.

Oliver Freddys score isn't as good as hers this time, so I order him to take a nose dive into his books and read...

Oliver Freddy finishes reading the book, so I send him to the computer to study, but Daniel Vaughn comes in to interrupt him to to complain about arcade machines. Oliver Freddy is understanding to his complaint, before he switches the topic to painting and art..

As they keep talking, Inge begins feeling low on energy, as she didn't get much sleep the night before, due to staying up late at the party, so she interrupts her painting to go downstairs to get a nice cup of hot coffee.

Inge finishes her coffee and Oliver Freddy goes to prepare a lunch for himself. Once she is done with the coffee, she heads upstairs for one of the murphy beds, perhaps to get a little rest.

She is a little grumpy as she walks on, but her mood brightens when she finds Daniel Vaughn upstairs.

Daniel Vaughn hasn't forgotten about the drama from last month, and talks to her vividly about the fire in the kitchen..

"I was upstairs showering when the fire alarm went off" he says "and when I got out, I could smell smoke, so I ran downstairs to find Cody and Jonathan panicking and the maid putting out the fire.. they said it was Skip that started the fire.. in only his underwear!"

"I think maybe we should have him kicked out.. what do you think?"

"Oh, I think we should give him one more chance.. everyone can mess up every once in a while.." she responds and is reminded of the incidents when she was a freshman and couldn't even make waffles without burning them... something which she doesnæt say out loud.. Daniel agrees with her for now, but he makes it clear that one more mistake from Skip, and he will vote to have him out of there!

Inge goes back to opening the murphy bed, and as expected, it doesn't go to well..

Be careful with those, I have heard they can swallow people..

I have always thought of Inge as a bit timid and nice girl, but even the nicest ones has a beast inside of them.. One only needs the right thing to bring it out.. for Inge it appears to be almost being flattened by a murphy bed..

I'm not gonna spell out the thoughts she is having. ;)

After the unlucky incident with the bed, it's on with the backpack and off to the lecture..

"I should have used the toilet before I went out the door.. better run.."

Oliver Freddy finished his lunch, and went for a cup of coffee as well. For the same reason as Inge, he hadn't gotten much rest either.

Geared up on caffeine he runs out the door in the cool November rain in only his shorts to head down to the student union to do more research on one of the samples he has found.. He has tried a few times to get his results approved by the scientific board, but so far has had no success there...

With the unbridled optimism of youth he puts the mineral sample in the machine, and pushes a few buttons to start it and get the results..

"Hmm.. hmm.... this is not what I expected.. hmm... the molecular structure of this mineral is unlike anything I have ever seen before..."

When he investigates the results further, he starts to think he might have discovered a new mineral, one with a very complex and solid structure, and decides to name it Ranveigonite, after his mother Ranveig, of course! Mom will be so proud! This also finally fulfilled his wish of doing research on a scientific sample. The rules must be very strict on what is considered scientifc and what isn't...

But in spite of his scientific discoveries, Oliver Freddy is not doing as great as Inge, so it is back to the computer lab to study more..

Inge is finished with her lecture, and the caffeine is no longer effective when Paris Vanderbuilt wants to talk to her about the old days. However, Inge and Paris haven't been hanging out much before, so their conversation is pretty mundane as they have nothing else to talk about but the weather.. Inge is true to herself, being a nice girl that wants to make friends with everyone, and gets a wish to become best friends with Paris.

After studying Oliver Freddy gets hungry and walks up the stairs to get a hamburger, but is blocked by Inges professor from her sophomore year that just decided to do a workout right there....

So he has to run off to his lecture, hungry.. that's probably not going to do good for his performance..

Inge is feeling the after effects of the caffeine and is on her way home..

She has no energy left to do anything now, so she immediately goes to sleep, even though it is very early..

Good night. ;)

With Inge asleep and Oliver Freddy at a lecture, there isn't much to do but wait outside listening to the raindrops falling until he finishes. Well, at least until the tranquility there is interrupted by someone laughing in the distance..

Yeah, I get it. University and streakers. When you're young it's fun to run around naked... What's your excuse, streaker? "Hahaha! I'm showering, hahaha!" the streaker laughs as she runs by.. Uhh right... yeah... and that's probably why you should not taste your own scientifc samples.. just saying.. if it comes out of the lab, be wary of eating it. ;)

The streaker then runs off into the distance, still laughing hysterically, and Oliver Freddy finishes his lecture.. grumpy and tired from a lack of sleep..

So he runs home and finds the bed alongside his girlfriend..

On his way he runs by Lizzie Mund using this machine in an interesting way.. That should be something for Oliver Freddy to check out..

Good night. ;) Both of them got to bed a little earlier than usual, but at least now they should be perfectly well and rested for next month.. ;)

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...