Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Chapter 3.3 - October 2022 - Tonight we are young, so lets set the kitchen on fire...

Song: We Are Young - fun. feat Janelle Monáe (Simlish)

October is now here, and it is back to our students at the de Anda hall, currently safely asleep dreaming sweet dreams of food and heartbreak...

Inge is the first of our sims to wake up, but it looks like someone else has been up earlier to make plenty of hot dogs, so Inge won't have to make her usual breakfast waffles this time..

Morning Ayana she kind of doesn't say, before going to eat all by herself...

Oliver Freddy joins her for eating shortly thereafter, and Ayanas, in spite of being passed by and not greeted by either of them, is kind enough to do the dishes...

Inge is already looking forward to todays lecture, she is learning so many new and interesting things, and her boyfriend is of course very supportive of her studying art.

He should be, he was the one that brought her there in the first place. :P

They do their dishes, before its time for Oliver Freddy to dart of to his lecture.


Oh, look who just showed up! That's Cora Sidwell, the celebrity that Oliver Freddy wants to meet. Lucky for him she's in his class! ;)

Inge just finished off a few needs of a private matter, and seems to ponder what to do next, so she is directed downstairs on the computer to study.

nge finishes her studying and goes for a new painting upstairs. Olver Freddys class also finishes, and Cora has an accident by the desk...

Oliver Freddy walks over to fulfill his wish of meeting her, even if she smells like pee...

They hit it off on a wrong note already, because Oliver Freddy is brave, and Cora is a coward.. Celebrities are overrated! Oliver Freddy then concludes that analyzing a rock is much more interesting...

Cora (thinking):
What is that thing he just got out? Who is this guy, some kind of ghostbuster, or something? I'm out of here...

Just as Inge was getting ready to go to her lecture, the fire alarm went off. Looks like someone has started a fire..

The culprit appears to be this guy, Skip Taylor, casually walking away from the scene in his boxers...

Oliver Freddy has gone to do some research at a research station, totally unaware of what's going on at the dorm..

Since none of my students are there, there is noone to direct to call the fire department, so these guys are gonna have to deal with it themselves... or burn the place down, whichever happens first...

I forgot that Oliver Freddy has hired a maid, and he is there to save the day when everyone else is being a darn fool! Good going Mr. Maid! You are the Hero of the Day!

And here is the biggest fool of them all, Skip Taylor.. "I here the sirens coming, better run inside.."

Then I see Inge on the couch watching TV.. What? Didn't you just run off to your lecture..?

I was mistaken! My lecture doesn't start for another hour!


Jonathan Dirk, of course, sits down next to Inge and makes sure to talk about topics he thinks could be of interest to her, such as writing, painting and science, and this time she actually appears to enjoy his talk while simultaneously feeling attracted to him... so much so, she forgets about her lecture this time... before suddenly realizing she has to get up and go..

Oh, shoot, I forgot, I gotta run to my lecture!

She rushes there as fast as she can, pushing it with the speed limit, and ends being only about 15 minutes late.

Sorry for being late, professor! I got distracted! There was a fire in our kitchen and...

Oliver Freddy has finished researching and has walked upstairs for a game of table tennis where he delivers his usual hard and fast serves and ends up winning easily. When it comes to table tennis, Oliver Freddy appears unbeatable. ;)

Then its time to go back home, but this time he seems to have acquired a very gentlemanly jog instead of his usual run. What has university life done to you, Oliver? :P

Inge darts home from her lecture, and is very happy to do her favorite thing to pass time; to watch the cooking channel..

Jonathan Dirk is still there, and this time she even starts to talk to him about babies and kids toys, something which makes him very pleased, of course...

I break it up though, by sending her upstairs to continue the painting she started earlier... I don't want to risk having this develop into something! :P

Oliver Freddy has gone upstairs too, to take a peak through the telescope. And yikes! He saw a body of water! And enjoyed it! How unnerving!

Well, he also has a wish to do research on a scientific sample for quite some time, so he heads back to the Student Union to research yet another sample..

He has tried this a few times, but his wish never gets fulfilled. There is an option to "Research sample", but no option to "Research scientific sample".. How would one get that option? He has plenty of samples, but none of them appear to be scientific, so what excactly does he have to do to get one that is scientific?

"This sample looks scientific to me.... I don't get it.. Maybe I need more experience, or university credits...?" Neither him nor I can seem to figure it out, and its starting to annoy the both of us! ;) .. Maybe this is just one of those things in the game that just... doesn't work... well, that was new... :disappointed:

"Hmmm... there must be something wrong here..."

While he was doing his science thing, Inge had finished her painting and reached level six in the painting skill, or so it said, but I don't know.. is this a level 6 painting? This painting is not a keeper.. It had a worth 146 simoleons and she decided to sell it. Anyway, all this sciencing had made Oliver Freddy hungry, so the poor chap went up a floor to grab a good juicy burger, before he got a party invitation to a bonfire party over at Debbie Richards house.

That cheered us both up greatly, and all sorrows about scientific research being really hard was forgotten for a while. ;) He pondered a bit why Debbie would invite him, and not Inge, because it was Inge of the two that was Debbies friend, so he sent a text to Inge about the party, saying he wanted her to go with him.

And off they go the party in each their identical car. ;) Debbie Richards house is located on the far northwestern part of the University Town, where she has a pretty good view of everything. Hmm, now lets see what kind of party this will turn out to be, and how many will run around in the nude...

Inge quickly learns that Debbie must be financially pretty well off, judging from the size of her house. "She must be lonely up here" she thinks "living here all alone in this big house.."

Debbie is on the back porch, and has already started the juice drinking.

Inge and Oliver Freddy walked upstairs to a tv-room, when this guy called Jacob Salaman began insulting Oliver Freddy. Inge ignores him and engages her boyfriend in a conversation about their favorite movies and tv-shows before he is at it again with the insults..

Oliver Freddy talks back, and asks him what the hell is his problem and tells him to quit it before things escalate and something unfortunate happens...

Inge enjoys Oliver Freddys bravery and her response is to flirt with him and Jacob leaves the room. This gives Oliver Freddy a wish to hug Inge romantically, he just has to get a sip from the juice keg on the porch first..

Inge has not been drinking from any of the juice kegs at this party, however. She only goes for the juice bar inside. "I want to go a little easy on the partying until after our exam" she says "so I'm staying away from the hard stuff. I want to keep my mind sharp..." Clever girl...

Oliver Freddy finishes his juice and walks inside to give his girl a sweet hug.

Then he goes outside to have a talk and flirt a little with Cora Sidwell, but its nothing serious, because at the end of their conversation he shoots in that he would be very happy to have her as his friend.

Inge has walked out onto the porch, where Jacob Salaman begins repeatedly insulting her as well, and the learn that they have several conflicting traits with each other.

She quickly begins to dislike him, and they almost become enemies. What an unpleasant dude...

After a long round of insulting with Inge actually trying to keep a decent conversation, she has finally had enough of that and goes for the juice keg out by the bonfire in the backyard.

Then she throws a stinker of some sample onto the bonfire, immediately giving the surroundings a foul smell.. nice party trick, there! :P And I see from the red minuses up on the porch that Jacob has probably found someone else to insult...

Then eventually Debbie says the party is over, and throws everyone off the lot. In spite of one guest trying to ruin the mood, this party was nowhere near as crazy as the one Oliver Freddy hosted last semester. I guess everyone is saving up their insanity until after their exams. ;)

Inge has gone upstairs to Debbies bahtroom to brush her teeth, but Oliver Freddy is being a gentleman and waiting for her outside, so that they can go home together. ;)

My girlfriends in the bathroom getting h...... her teeth brushed and...
The moon is on my side
I have no reason to run
I will carry you home, tonight...

And so the young couple goes to bed.. and we say... goodnight. ;)

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...