Saturday, June 17, 2023

Chapter 3.6 - December 2022 – Supernatural Art, part II.

    The other side of the platinum door
Another day in quicksand
Still feel close to nowhere
I hope this is the right way
[youtube]xVPna-XaVr0[/youtube] In Flames – Another Day in Quicksand

Oliver Freddys notes:
Today was the day of our exams and as I woke up I was actually feeling pretty relaxed about it for once. I suppose it could be because I have been through the process a few times already, and because I am pretty well prepared. Both me and Inge received a letter earlier this month from the principals office – he's keeping a list, and we're on it!
    And it's not the naughty list, we have both been very good all year! Mom is going to be so proud – again! This is of course only between you and me, I don't want to be called a mama's boy, but my mom is, well, next to my girlfriend of course, the most important person in my life..
    I really admire my mom and how she alone raised me and my brother and became the Chess Champion of Simbria. She's almost at the top of her journalist career, too. My mom is an amazing woman! Well, my dad is cool, too, but I see less of him, because he has his own family now, and is a very busy man being both a Leader of the Free World and running the prison in town...

Inges notes:
It was very chill at first this morning, even if we both had our exams this day, as we down to eat some left over hot dogs for breakfast. Oliver Freddy was curious about how I could get such a good academic score, because he hardly saw me read anything from my books.

Oh, silly! He's all caught up in his science stuff, but art is learned through practice and experience! A true artist has to produce something tangible, something that can be shown to the world – just like a chef cooks a meal to be smelled, tasted and, well, eventually eaten.
    "You should get your nose out of your books and look at the real world sometimes!"

Oliver Freddy:
I got a little agitated during breakfast this morning.. Inge shouldn't be the one to talk about not focusing on the real world and being nose down in a book, with all her babbling about those paintings and being an author...
    I mean, she is the one making up things, I do in fact study the real world! But I can't just go out and experience everything myself – all the knowledge already uncovered by others - so books are necessary to get a grasp of it all! And it's not like I'm not doing experiments, too! "Where were you during all those hours I spent collecting and doing research on samples at the Student Union, huh!?"

How come you see me as an enemy? We just think in different words

Inges notes:
Wow! I didn't mean for him to get so mad.. We ended up having a little discussion there, lets just say.. without getting to deep, I suppose at the end of the day we are both observers and learners about the real world..
    He does his science things, measuring the building blocks of our world precisely down the nth degree, and I do my art – and through art I'm telling stories of the real world, too – but where he appeals only to the brain, I can appeal to both the heart and the brain. Us sims have always been interested in art – and science – it is our means of understanding and making sense of the world around us, sometimes through factual and detailed descriptions – other times through simply telling a story or painting a picture.
    We managed to settle our disputes and realize that we were both doing important things, in each our way, and I think that's the beauty of it. Sure, we might have been a cute couple of we were both a pair of science geeks in our lab coats, but... I prefer a different approach to life than that..

Oliver Freddys notes:
Inge is a smart girl, and I suppose she does have a point. There's more to life than just the building blocks that everything is made of, and to understand our world as a whole, we need people like me, that examine the basis that forms our world, and we need people like her, to express the simian side of things. And sometimes you just need to enjoy a hot dog for breakfast.

Narrators notes:
The divide between the two cultures is still present, but it looks like they are able to bridge the gap, atleast between themselves..

After breakfast it was back to the skeleton again for me, counting them dry bones.. Well, its interesting though, that so far I have been very focused on the end result, getting a good grade.. but what if I stop thinking about that for a while, and just try to understand things simply for the sake of understanding?
    Couldn't that yield the same result? Possibly, so maybe it isn't always useful to continuously measure and keep excact tabs on everything? I still think I should recount these bones once more, just to make sure...

Inges notes:

I see beauty in dead flowers
I let the tide show me what`s next
But all you do is fade away

I almost got to finish my painting before I had to go to my exam. This is what the lake looks like in summer to me, when the weather is fair and people are out sailing, swimming or fishing. There is a beauty to every season and to every aspect of life, too. I don't know which part is my favourite, but there was still some days of summer left when I started painting this picture, so...
    I got this image in my head, and I just wanted to get it down on a canvas. It really isn't to much of a deeper meaning behind this one. It's going to be a very simple picture, capturing my mental state during the days of summer... and that's pretty much it..

I'm not sure why people had decided to make snowmen and snow angels right in front of the door to our exam location, but I still walked my way around them because I didn't want to destroy their works.. who knows, that might have been art to some!

Alright, this is it, wish me luck!

Oliver Freddys notes:

With Inge at her exam I decided to clean up some clothes around the dorm, I don't know what the others have been up to lately, but they seem to just pile up everywhere.. and just as I had dropped them into the clothes hamper, I could hear that faint mumbling again.
    This time it sounded like it came from the picture on the wall.. I tried to focus, to hear if I could make out some words, but it was just impossible. The mumbling gradually got louder to the point where it sounded like someone was talking, but it was still very muffled, as if whoever it was were talking with their face down in a pillow.

I asked it if it could perhaps talk a little more clearly, because I couldn't understand anything, and then the voice from the painting got a more angry tone, but I still couldn't really understand a word. I only got the impression that it was now yelling at me for not listening enough.

I shouted back at it, trying to tell it to not yell at me, I was only doing my best. There appears to be something in the way, blocking the path – or whatever I should call it – to whatever is behind there? I still have no idea what this is or why it tries to talk to me, or even if it is anything at all or if its just my own mind playing tricks on me... then the sound became lower again, and moved across the room to the Murphys Bed..

I walked over and opened the bed to see if anything was behind it, but there was nothing there, and then the mumbling stopped.. This really had me thinking. I wanted to reach out to it, so I went downstairs and tried to reach it through my megaphone. I have no idea if that would help, but I had to give it a shot..

"Who are you!? Are you an angel or a fairy!? Why do you speak to me, what do you want!?" I shouted, but I got no answer at all now, only silence.

"Are you a ghost? Do you come from the dead? Why can't you show yourself!?", but I got no response from anything, so I gave up. Maybe it's just nothing...

Inges notes:

Textbox: Inge Reppe passed with flying colours in "A taste of graffiti 102".

I had a really good feeling when my exam was done. My painting and graffiti practice had definately paid off – even watching the cooking channel was helpful – as on one of the questions I nearly wrote an entire essay about portraying food as a street art!

Oliver Freddys notes:

I'm not usually much of a dancer, but after that strange experience I just had to and dance for a while to releive some of that stress so that I could remain calm and focused on my exam! Even though my exam was about the supernatural, these experiences didn't teach me anything useful or something that I could make sense of, so I thought it best to try and forget about them for a while..

Inges notes:

I tried to sit down and watch the cooking channel again after I came back home from my exam, but it just didn't feel fulfilling anymore and I felt like I could need to sleep, so I had to take a nap in the bed for a while.

Oliver Freddys notes:

Textbox: Oliver Freddy Motorsen excelled in "Abstract Theory of Supernatural Phenomena 101". I think my exam went really good, I think I even answered the open trick questions near the end about whether the supernatural can inhabit dead things or not near the end “correctly”. If I'm failing this exam, there must be something supernatural at play! That's just not possible! I hope...

Then just as I got home, I got a phone call from Jennifer Rockefeller. She said she was hosting the most amazing bonfire party! Oh, I remember her, she was that insane girl that did nothing but streak at my last party here.. I was a little hesitant about joining her party, so I called up a few other of my friends to hear if they had heard about it, or if they were going too.. turns out they had just been to her house, and it was all dead, there was no party going on..

Narrators notes:

How surprising! An unreliable party host.. heh, so what is this Jennifer doing then? I'll go to the univerisity administration center to ask if they have seen her wereabouts. The employee behind the desk says she was just recently seen nearby, when the janitor walks up to me and tells me he just found a pile of clothes outside with a student id in them. He hands the clothes to the person behind the desk, and he tells me that the student id reads “Jennifer Rockefeller”..
    Right, she just dumped her clothes outside.. so she's probably running around naked somewhere, and sure enough, as I walk out of the building I am met by this coming at me, laughing and waving her arms around..

That's Jennifer Rockefeller, alright. Does she ever do anything but run around in the nude? Seriously, I'm sure 90% of the time she shows up, she's naked.. I don't even know what her outfits look like...
    This girl must have some issues.. If she were a main character, I'd probably look into it and figure it out, I'm sure she has her reasons, but as is, she is just a side character here for comedic value or whatever her purpose is... maybe some of you can look into it and pick up that ball if she behaves the same way in your game. :P

Oliver Freddys notes:

Well, since there wasn't going to be any party, I walked back to our room upstairs to see if Inge was there, and found her sleeping on the bed, and that's when it tried to contact me again..

I told it to keep quiet, because my girlfriend was sleeping, and surprisingly it listened, I think.. I mean, you can never know with these things..

Inges notes:

I woke up from my slumber with Oliver Freddy in the room, and I heard him talking to someone. I got up and asked him who he was talking to, but he said he was just thinking out loud. He said he was feeling hungry, and thought we should go to “The Grotto” to hang out for a drink and a meal. I told him that I would be happy to go, of course, and that it was a date. ;)

It's embarrassing, I try to not get these emotional reactions, but sometimes I just need a little time out. There wasn't really anything wrong, I was just happy to have finished yet another semester, and to go on a date with Oliver. I have always been very sensitive, and sometimes the tears just get the better off me. I don't know if Oliver perfectly understands, but he always waits patiently for me whenever I need to.

Oliver Freddys notes:

I'm not to impressed by the service at “The Grotto”, the barista seemed to be completely in his own world. I had to ask him twice just for a cup of coffee, and when I came back a second time to get a small meal, he simply walked away as if I wasn't even there!


Inge: You know, how about we find somewhere else to go? This place stinks... literally, and the service is awful. I ordered a cupcake, but he gave me a donut!
Oliver Freddys notes:
Inge agreed with me, and it was no wonder.. the place really smelled, almost as bad as the dumpster outside our dorm... disgusting! I think Inge wanted to play pool, or maybe she just wanted to get away from the rotten food, because as I was doing my best to finish my soggy bagel, she walked into the next room and towards the pool table.

I wonder why they call it pool table.. A pool to me is something different, and looking at Inge.. that's when I got the idea to go skinny dipping.. I know this sounds super corny, but she is like a song to me, I love the way she laughs, the way she talks, even when we have our little disputes or when she snores or talks rubbish in her sleep...

She said that if she was a song, I was a movie, before she grabbed onto my hands. I'm not really sure excactly what she meant by that, but I suppose it means I am important to her.

So I just told her straight up what I was thinking, that pool tables reminded me of the swimming pool, and that we should go there for a swim!

Inges notes:

When I said he was like a movie to me, I meant it in the best possible way! We have been together since high school, and I still remember the first time I noticed him on the school bus and our first date..
    I would sometimes get ridiculed by the other kids for being a loser, but he never ridiculed me like they did. I was afraid to approach him for a long time, but I kept secretly eyeing him.. One day when they had stolen my lunch as usual, he came up to me and shared his with me. I must have been so awkward!
    I didn't say a word during the entire lunch, and as soon as I had finished eating, I went directly to the bathroom, even though I didn't need to go! Then I ignored him for a week, until I finally found the courage to send him a message asking him if we could meet on the hillside by the old mental hospital at night..

When I look back on it now, that was such an odd location, but I didn't want to hang out in a public place where others could see us and were we would probably get ridiculed... The woes of being young, well, it's a little funny now to think back on...

While we were holding hands, he brought me back to present day by saying that the pool tables made him think about the swimming pool, and that we should go there! Haha, I love his randomness, and I'm sure the swimming pool would be better than this dump, so let's go!

We sat down by one of the tables, and I told him I remembered our first date back then, and how exciting it was to be out past our curfew and risk getting arrested! “Oh yeah, I remember that” he said.
    “Honestly, I thought it was weird at first, and I considered standing you up, but as mom was out late that night looking for clues for her next article I sought the opportunity to sneak out anyway.. you picked a good spot though. No way would the police come looking for us up there!”

“Should we try to get arrested again?” he asked. Now what was he thinking!?
    “I mean, we are right next to the pool... lets go skinny dipping!” he continued.

Well, if were gonna do that, I was gonna paint a nude painting of him later!

“Oh, I'm sure that can be fixed! Let's go!” Well, that's what he said but, and I guess I should have noticed that hint of anxiety in his face then, because.. as soon as he got ready to jump in, he changed to his formal wear!

He still hasn't learned.. he is a movie alright, one that would probably take me a lifetime to understand fully.. I have had my conversations with him about this before, what outfits are right and approriate for each situation, but he still isn't getting it..

“Olli, seriously... you're supposed to get naked! That's the whole point of skinny dipping! You have to take your clothes off!”

Oliver Freddys notes:

I instantly regretted my suggestion to go skinny dipping once I had gotten into the water. I was so caught up with the idea of doing something raunchy, I had completely forgotten how nervous swimming makes me..
    I was always behind everyone in class when we had swimming lessons at school, and eventually I began skipping them. I remember the day when I got a letter home from school because of it. I thought mom would get mad and ground me, but actually, she didn't say anything at all. Later, I was taken out of swim class and got my own private lessons alone, and eventually I learnt how to swim. Well, somewhat. I have never really liked it, though, and I would usually avoid as much as possible..


Olli, is this what you call skinny dipping? You have to take your clothes off!

Oliver Freddy:
I don't like this.. I want to get up...

Inges notes:

A little sigh from me.. I know I probably should have felt bad for him then and there, the water clearly made him very nervous, but at the same time I was annoyed, because it was his suggestion in the first place! I got naked in the pool for him, and once he was in, fully clothed, all he wanted to do was get up and go home!

Oliver Freddys notes:

I felt bad about it all once I got in the car and drove home, how I had tricked her and said we would go skinny dipping, yet I didn't.. and then I just got up and ran away like a coward.. but right then and there, I just wanted to get out of there and go home.. I think I'm gonna have to give her an apology tomorrow...

Inges notes:

I stayed behind swimming for a few rounds after he left, before I got bored of it and went to shower off the chlorine.

I was ready for more that night, and didn't want to go home straight away, so I sat down on one of the chairs for a while.. as if I was hoping that some magic would happen. Well, of course it didn't. Nobody goes to the swimming pool in the middle of the night! Except for us fools maybe... I'm surprised actually, that it was still open...

So there wasn't much else to do, but go back home, get some sleep and wait for the exam results tomorrow..

My Olli was, as I expected, sleeping safe and sound in our bed.. I think he's going to have to do something about his fear of water, I'm sure there is help to find.. I think I should talk to him about it, though I'm not sure how much it would help, if its going to go the same way as it does with the outfits thing..

Narrators notes:

I am, of course, happy that they have done so well on their studies, I don't really think there will be much of a surprise what their exam results will be, but still, it looks like not everything is all apples and sunshine for them..
Hmm, I hope it won't be to much of a burden on their relationship, and that they can sort it out somehow.. oh, well... next update they will go home to celebrate christmas with their family, I hope that will be good for them... good night...

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...