Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Chapter 2.4 - April 2022 - Exam preparations... for the future...

Before we start, I slowed down a bit, to check out what they were dreaming.

And this is why I think they have plans of getting married and having babies once they have finished their education. Well, besides Oliver Freddys plans of making it as a scientist, and Inges plans of being a writer and painter.

I am not completely sure though. They keep having these dreams, but I have never seen them discuss it with each other...

Until this morning, at the breakfast table..

And surprisingly, as Inge has been the one usually thinking or dreaming about kids or marriage, Oliver Freddy was the first to make an attempt at the topic by asking a question about kids toys.

After which they just sit there and stare awkwardly at each other for a good while until Oliver Freddy has to go to his lecture...

As their exam is just around the corner, there's going to be a heavy focus on studying, so I'm not giving Inge any leisure time, but have her sit at the computer to study.

Liz Tarry is in the background playing chess. I didn't catch any flirting going on between Liz and Daniel Vaughn for this update, so maybe she has given up. I just caught her walking up and down the stairs many times with her backpack on, as if she wasn't sure where to go or what to do... I don't think she is quite herself yet...

Oliver Freddy has his lecture with the skeleton outside in the hail, but doesn't seem to mind.

Inge keeps on studying and gets the attractive sim moodlet once Jonathan Dirk comes in to play computer games.

Then she goes upstairs to paint, and decides to paint a replica of Sofies painting, "The Tiny Cloud Woman", hanging at the Art Association in Sunset Valley... but at least it improves her academic score.

She didn't get the time to finish the painting before she had to run off for todays lecture with more drawing and painting out in the rain..

Once home again she goes to finish the paiting while her boyfriend stands there thinking about how he wants to go skinny dipping with Liz Tarry... Inge finishes the painting and sells it for 23 simoleons.

She brags about it to Oliver Freddy while they eat dinner, proud to have made her first money from painting, even if it was just a replica of someone elses work...

Inge still wants to make friends with Debbie Richards, so she makes another attempt to invite her over. She is in disbelief that Debbie would actually agree to come over this time, and can't hide her enthusiasm over the answer.

Making a new friend has been a recurring wish for her since day one of university.. maybe this will be it? Inge feels really good about herself now, also because she has made it on to the principals list for being a good student.

Inge invites her in to her favorite past time, watching tv, and talks to her about vacation plans and painting, before Debbie drops the bomb.

: So... have you thought about having children?

Inge doesn't respond at first. Sure, she wants to make good friends with Debbie, but this was a bit of a private question to ask just like that...

Debbie doesn't give up, but continues.

You know.. getting settled with a good man, buying a house, raising children.. that type of stuff?

Oh, oh, sure.. me and Oliver Freddy would both like to have kids one day.. once we move back to Sunset Valley and get a house of our own...and you?

Yeah, me and Robert.. we... we tried a few times, and Robert really wanted children, but.. but.. sadly he passed away before we could make it work..

Oh... oh.. I'm sorry to hear that...

Its alright, I'm fine living alone...

Inge can hear that there is a certain sadness and longing in her voice, however subtle, and tries to change the topic to work and career instead, before trying to impress Debbie by doing tricks with the soft ball.

Debbie is a level 10 rebel, and somehow this increases Inges reputation within the Rebel group.

Oliver Freddy has been outside rehearsing a little more with the skeleton, before going inside to watch Liz Tarry walking up the stairs with her backpack...
He gets the attractive moodlet from being near her and follows her with the eyes as she walks up stairs... but Liz appears to be in her own world and doesn't even notice him...

For some reason I can't explain, Debbie walks upstairs to open this Murphy bed and I wonder if she wants to spend the night there. Oliver Freddy saw her walking up the stairs as well and followed her to talk to this woman that his girlfriend wants to make friends with.

He starts of easy by talking about the most mundane subject of all: the weather, while poor Debbie is still thinking about children...

Debbie goes on to talk about her favorite pop music, but that is not very popular with Oliver Freddy.

Instead he switches to talk madly about working out, but that only makes Debbie annoyed and a little uneasy...

So Oliver Freddy gives up..

Oliver Freddy:
To hell with this, I'm going to bed...

Debbie walks downstairs again to where Inge is still watching tv, still shocked at the weird young man upstairs..."Could that really be her boyfriend?" she thinks to herself. "Oh my.."

She goes to unwind by playing video games and hanging out with Inge, but Inge is getting really tired and starts to look more and more like a zombie...
Inge really wants to hang out with and make friends with Debbie as well, and does not go to bed even though she usually would long before getting this tired...

..but as she just sits there with her eyes rolling back into her skull and not saying a word, I think its pointless and send her off to bed... you'renot making new friends this way, go get some sleep before your exam.. nighty night. ;)

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...