Saturday, June 17, 2023

Chapter 3.5 – December 2022 – Supernatural Art, part I.

As the seasons change and the year moves on the air up in the mountains has attained a noticeable chill as the frost begins to settle in the ground..

Inges notes:

Since I went to bed so early yesterday, I woke up fully rested in the middle of the night. I don't think to many would be up at this hour, and I was feeling lucky, so I wanted to go to the Findeisen laundromat to have a go at making a wall painting.

But as I walked around the corner to the area in the back and saw the sign on the wall, well..

..who knows, the camera might not have been on, or maybe it was just a sign, because I didn't see the camera anywhere, but I wasn't willing to make that gamble.. I wasn't feeling that lucky.. I ran over to the wall behind the grocery store instead. It was already a popular, and somewhat legal, graffiti wall. A little boring, but it was my safest bet...

I was very pleased with my little painting as I went home and back to bed before Oliver Freddy woke up, so that he wouldn't even notice I had been out..

Oliver Freddys notes:

When I woke up Inge was still sleeping, even though she probably went to bed a lot earlier than me yesterday. She must have been really tired to sleep this much! Well, anyway, our exams are coming up soon, so I went downstairs to reread my book for the supernatural phenomena course.

An interesting, but heavily disputed course. I'm not sure what to believe, and the books really doesn't conclude that the supernatural exists, as there is a great lack of evidence that would pass the rigorous filters of science.
    My favourite chapter from this book is chapter 12, "The theory of the coloured doors", which in short says that the supernaturals live in their own dimensions and the only way to reach them is to go through doors of different colours, but as always, evidence is sparse, and nobody appears to know how to reach these doors yet..
    It would appear that just getting to such a door, much less passing through it, would require tremendous amounts of energy, something which only the most powerful of the supernaturals can posess.... The book speculates that one would have to be a Supreme Angel or Demon to be able to pass through any of these doors at will... its fascinating, but also a little scary...

An old picture of Oliver Freddys grandmother as an adult, in an argument with something unseen.
This picture is a screenshot from an early video I made. In the early days (before I knew about the forum, and way before I had started this blog..) I didn't think of sharing anything about them, so recording videos of my sims was my preferred way of capturing them, as opposed to taking screenshots. The soundtrack thing is because I added music to the video, because it took me a while to figure out that the default setting in the game was to record videos without sound, and I didn't want a silent video.. (and because the video is uploaded to youtube... somewhere.. :P )

I'm sure grandma would have an idea or two here, she has sometimes said that demons come to her and that she can have conversations with them.. and sure enough, sometimes I feel like something is there and wants to talk to me as well. I try to talk to it, but so far it has been to vague and "far away" for me to understand any of what it supposedly says...
    I have heard mom talk to someone too sometimes when she's in the bathroom, usually shouting to be left alone, but whenever I ask her about it, she gets that serious look on her face and says she was just on the phone with someone..

Well, anyway, after reading, it was time to run off to my lecture for today, where we would deal with more earthly matters and rehearse the bones of the human skeleton..

I wonder if these angels or demons also have bones like us, or if there is any difference? Well, they can't be excactly the same, because supposedly they have wings and can fly, so there's gonna have to be some extra bones and joints there somehow..
    I have to find the path to where it all begins....

                                   teach the world my supernatural art.

Inges notes:

When I woke up again I thought it was time to do some tidying up.. People are so sloppy around here, leaving their clothes all over the place... then I sat down to watch the cooking channel in our room for a while.

Oh, I have always enjoyed the cooking channel, and I want to be the best cook I can be, no more beign a loser, no more burnt waffles!

                So afraid of what you might think....

Its going to help me with the exam to, because cooking fine cuisine is an artform to, according to some..

Narrators notes:

Yeah, just now I noticed that having an art student watch tv actually increases their academic score.. in additon to bettering the cooking skill, learning new recipies and increasing the fun, win, win. This is perfect for Inge being a couch potato and an art student. ;)

Inges notes:

They did something new on the cooking channel today, they put mushrooms in an omelette, and it looked so good! Why haven't I thought of that before? I wonder what more I could put in an omelette? I wanted to keep watching, but I had to get up from the couch to go to my lecture. I didn't mind, though. It looked like such a fine day. I still love it when the ground gets frosty, it looks so pretty! It shouldn't be to long before it starts snowing now, maybe!

Our lecture today was a drawing lecture. We always have one of those shortly before our exam, in a way as a final test before the.. uh, final test, where we are supposed to make a drawing from scratch , of course, that will be evaluated (and count towards the final score) at the end of the lecture. I really wanted to make the most perfect drawing so far, so I actually went 15 minutes over time. My professor got a little grumpy, but she really liked my drawing though!

Oliver Freddys notes:

After I came home from my lecture, I went to the garbage container outside to see if I found something interesting. Mom would always say this when I was younger, that a lot of treasure was found in other peoples trash, and that it's what put food on our table, so as a kid, I started looking through peoples garbage, too.
    It wasn't until later I understood that what she really meant, was digging for things to write articles about for her job at "The Sunset Valley Gazette".. but the habit has since stuck with me anyway. Who knows, maybe one day I'll find a golden lottery ticket?

When I was done with my little treasure hunt (I didn't find anything more interesting than a moth...) I heard the fire alarm, so I ran to the kitchen to see what was going on, and sure enough, as I expected, some moron had left his food on the stove again... That maid that I hired is sure worth his money, as he was right on the spot to put it out as I came in the door.

I was hungry, so I decided to make a salad for myself. I though it best now to make something that didn't require cooking. Not that I think I would forget my food, I'm not that absent minded, but still. Of course the fire fighter, as usual, didn't show up until after the fire had been put out, and then he was mad at me for being careless, even though I had nothing to do with it.

I wanted to get better at gardening, as that is also part of the curriculum, so I went to the library to read a book. Well there's another thing mom didn't talk much about..the downside of going through the trash, of course, is that it leaves you with nausea.. after all, the smell is quite sickening, so I had to make use of the toilet for a while, before I could get to reading...

Inges notes:

After the lecture was over and I had showed my drawing to the professor, I went home to find some salad on the kitchen bench. When someone leaves their food out like that, it's free for all, so I decided to grab a plate. It was very quiet in our dorm, as usual, everyone was out and about, so I went upstairs to our room to continue my painting of the lake.

Oliver Freddys notes:

I got a phone call from Cora Sidwell, she was holding a bonfire party. I thanked her for the invitation, but I had to turn her down, celebrity or not, as my exam is tomorrow, and I don't want to do any partying before then!

Well, that and I wanted to do a little more research on some of the samples I have to get more scientific data to see if I could find a correlation between them, so I ran over to the Student Union again.

That turned out really well, and I was happy to have made yet another scientific discovery. The professors at the institute should be thrilled at my findings!

I was super excited, so I ran over to the Science institute as fast as I could, but it turns out they didn't share my excitement. They gave me 21 simoleons, which is a fair sum, perhaps especially since they said my data didn't have any relevance.

It was getting late and a little chilly out, but I want to get an A very badly on this exam, so I sat down on a bench outside to re-read the book again.

Narrators notes:
As opposed to going home where there is warmth and light to do the same? :P

Inges notes:

After painting for a while, I went downstairs to watch the cooking channel just a little bit more, when Skip Taylor came and asked me how my day had been. I could tell from the way he looked at me that he was starting to have interest in me as a little more than just a friend.

I didn't want to lead him on, nor did I want to let him down, so I thought it was a good idea to do a university slogan cheer with him. He was very happy about that, and wanted to do it again, so we ended up doing the cheer twice, before I began ignoring him to continue watching tv.

I just hope he won't begin to stalk me now, I already have a boyfriend! And he should know...

Once it got dark, I wanted to do another wall painting, but I didn't want to go to far this time, so I walked outside and went just around the corner...

This spot should do. I wonder if anyone will begin to recognize my signature and know that it was me who made it? Part of me is beginning to hope so, because I think they are just getting better and better with each try!

I walked inside again to continue watching tv and found Jonathan Dirk sitting there. Unlike Skip, this guy is actually hot, even though he sometimes says the most stupid and annoying things.. I must admit, I got a little silly there. I wanted to impress him, so I started talking about my plans of being a best-selling author illustrating my own books..

I'm a little ashamed of this, because I was even hoping that he would lean in for a kiss, maybe just a small one.. on the cheek.. but he didn't... oh, what am I thinking...

I had to get away from him before I said or did something I would probably later regret, so I went upstairs and began scrubbing the showers in the bathroom... and then I retreated to mine and Oliver Freddys room to continue watching tv.. Noone usually disturbs me in there...

Oliver Freddys notes:

After I had read through the book for the second time today, I was seriously getting tired, so laying down on the bench right there for a nap seemed very tempting, but I knew that wasn't a very good idea, so of course, I went home instead.

When I came home Inge was in our room watching tv, so immediately turned it off and said it was bedtime. I was expecting her to get a little angry, but she didn't say a word, so I just went to bed.

Inges notes:

Oliver Freddy finally came home, and I guess he must have been really tired, because he just turned off the tv and said we had to go to bed! I had watched the cooking channel for several hours already that day, so... he was probably right, and I was getting really tired, too.

He has his quirks, but he's such a sweet man, and I still know that we are going to get married and get a real place of our own once we have our degrees. I think.. oh, well, his mother is a little strange and I'm not sure if she likes me and my paintings, but... eh, I guess.. that can be sorted out... maybe..

Narrators notes:

Yeah, lets hope so.... good night. ;)

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Chapter 6.1 - January 2024 - The nerd, the loser and thank you for the fish...

After another long drive Oliver Freddy and Inge return again to the lake in the mountains to the old familiar De Anda Hall.. and i...